Democracy , true justice, and dignity do not accept the superiority of anyone


The Most Honorable Jose Louis Rodriguez Zapatero

“…We know that freedom’s cause is our fair cause. We know that the fight for freedom is often painful, but it is worthwhile. Democracy, true justice, and dignity do not accept the superiority of anyone. No faith, no interpretation of God, no culture is superior to human kind free will to live together.”

The above golden words are from your speech this year in a Paris gathering on the occasion of Mujahidin celebrating start of their so called armed struggle.

I do believe that these are the words of a Major Political Figure that deeply believes in every word he says. I believe this from your deeds: Among them the withdrawal of Spanish troops from the Iraq war, when you found it unjust to continue. On the other hand, the increase of Spanish troops in Afghanistan; when there was a true cause for supporting and fighting for freedom of human kind. Or your Sponsorship of Alliance of Civilizations, even reform of abortion law; your attempts for peace negotiation with ETA in your country, also the reform of various autonomous statutes, particularly the Statute of Catalonia and so on.

Your Honor,

It is unfortunate that as a senior member of the Mojahedin e Khalq for nearly 30 years and a member of National Council of Resistance of the Mojahedin, when it comes to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and Mr. Masoud Rajavi, I have experienced quite the opposite.

How can a human being be called free when he or she cannot express his or her ideals, or practice her or his free will, cannot chose his or her cloth, her or his marital status, her or his source of information, her or his political status or party when there is an Imam (Masoud Rajavi) which does that for her or him?

Masoud and Maryam Rajavi talk about the democracy in the West, but dramatically deny the democracy inside and outside their cult and even in the national council of resistance.

Rajavies teach their members that, they are superior to every human being on the Earth. Although for the time being can only apply it within their cult, Rajavi thinks himself as Profit (Imam) sent by the God and represents the God on the whole Universe. To give Your Honor an example, Rajavi ordered all their members to divorce their wives, because Rajavi thought all the wives belong to him rather than their husbands. After the divorce, all the women had to marry Rajavi to be purified and freed from all impurities!

If anyone objected were met with harshest measures one could imagine. Some members who objected were jailed for years, some tortured and even killed. In the past, members were systematically handed over to the dictator of Iraq. The rest are systematically brainwashed in daily devastating general gatherings by senior members who collectively and brutally attack the subject in bitter words to make them convince or keep them silence.

Your Honor

Masoud and Maryam Rajavi do not tolerate any criticism. Criticism is taken as an act against the God. They do not tolerate freedom of individual, no one in the Mujahidin is allowed to any free literature, news or understandings of the free world. They are not allowed to communicate with anybody even their first degree relatives outside the Rajavies will.

They brand all the western political parties as corrupt that must be wiped from the face of the earth. This is hidden in the recent years that Masoud and Maryam Rajavi have escaped from Iran and then from Iraq to the West where can be reached by the Law.

Masoud Rajavi praised the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack as a revolutionary act against imperialism while watching the brutality live on the TV in a general gathering in Iraq.

Your Honor,

Masoud and Maryam Rajavi are hiding their real face. They are more dangerous and more brutal than ISIS.

Sincerely yours

Ehsan Roshanzamir


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