Behind the scene of Al Arabiya interview with Maryam Rajavi

The MKO propaganda is boasting of Al Arabiya’s recent interview with Maryam Rajavi. The alleged interview with Maryam Rajavi; the leader of the destructive cult of MKO or the self-claimed president of the so-called National Council of Resistance demonstrates dreams of the Cult leaders for “the future of Iran”

Regarding that the group hardly ever enjoys public support among Iranians – and this is not unknown to the world mass media, journalists and politicians – why Al Arabiya gives credit to the cult leader to consider her “to discuss the situation in the Middle East”?!

Batoul Soltani, former member of the MKO – whose revelations about Rajavi’s sexual deviations have been widely focused by the group critics – seems to know the reason. When she was a member of the MKO’s elite Council, she used to work in the computer unit of Camp Ashraf.  

“This TV Channel was funded by the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) after the fall of Saddam Hussein. Its authorities and staff regularly used to come to camp Ashraf so as the logo and website of Al Arabiya was designated and programmed by the computer unit of the MKO in Camp Ashraf. It was a gift to Al Arabiya News Network”,Soltani explained.

As the defector of the MKO states, the MKO formed “Iraqi Militia” immediately after the collapse of Iraqi Baath regime in order to infiltrate in the Iraqi society to prolong the survival of its cult, the group propaganda made efforts to absorb Iraqi political figures.

The cult of Rajavi spends huge amounts to fund Iraqi tribes or to run campaign for candidates of certain parties including Al Araqia.

“They forge fake signatories who allegedly support the MKO in return they pay millions of dollars”,Batoul writes.” They recruit employees and lawyers to lobby for the group in Iraqi politics.”

About the so-called interview with Al Arabiya, Batoul Soltani notes,” considering that today the cult of Rajavi is more hated and disgraced for its alliance with the ISIS, the cult has resorted to Al Arabiya TV in order to gloss over its scandalized situation among Iraqi nation.”

In her opinion the interview was just a masquerade show for Maryam Rajavi to deny their cooperation with the ISIS.

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