The adventures of the MKO and warmongers

The ISIS threat in the Middle East might be over someday but the threat of cult-like extremism will not leave the region unless the super powers stop pursuing their empire-building policies in the region.

The beginning of the sectarian violence in the region perhaps goes back to the time of Russian influence in Afghanistan when the US supported Afghan Mujahideen and then created Taliban, the extremists group to fight the Soviet Union –the US strategic adversary in the Middle East. The rise of Taliban was the start of al Qaeda. Al Qaede in turn has been the originator of even worse extremist groups such as ISIS or IS. The entire historical memory of the world indicates that the Threat of extremism is a Western creature.

“The ISIL or IS threat is a smokescreen,” Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya the award-winning author, sociologist and geopolitical analyst states. “The strength of the ISIL has deliberately been inflated to get public support for the Pentagon and to justify the illegal bombing of Syria.” He suggests that the US has a broader dream which is regime change in Iran. ”… Baghdad and Damascus have been viewed as pathways for the Pentagon towards Tehran, “he writes. [1]

To accomplish such an objective, the US has the same plan for the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO, Rajavi’s Cult, MEK).  As Nasemroaya notices, “disingenuously and ironically, the US and Britain used Saddam Hussein’s support for the MEK to justify labeling Iraq as a state-sponsor of terrorism and to also justify the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq”. [2]

That part of the US government that is opposed to diplomacy with Iran is dramatically manipulated by the MKO propaganda. The group’s multi-million dollar lobbying campaign finally resulted in getting removed from the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations of the US State Department in September 2012 but shilling for the MKO has not stopped since then. The warmongers of the Congress view the Cult of Rajavi as “the main Iranian opposition” and an “alternative” for the Islamic Republic.

Daniel Larison of the American Conservative website criticizes Western supporters of the MKO who argue about the Iranian “deceit”. “Leaving aside how crazy it is to spurn diplomacy because governments sometimes lie and break their promises, there is something especially weird about an argument that simultaneously promotes the cause of the MEK while complaining about Iranian deceit,” he writes. [3]

Larison clarifies how the MKO propaganda actually deceived the West to buy its sponsorship. He states:” As it has sought to rehabilitate itself in the West, the MEK has claimed all sorts of spurious, self-serving things about what it represents. Despite being a bizarre authoritarian cult with Marxist and quasi-Islamist views, it now pretends to be exactly what Westerners want an Iranian exile group to be.” About the group’s skillful propaganda he writes,” It doesn’t matter to the MEK’s American fans that it is lying about its political views, and they are obviously not worried about reciting those lies for Western audiences. Indeed, it has so completely hoodwinked them that they think it should be rewarded with American support.” [4]

 “The MKO Since 2003, the US has been funding the MEK,” Nazemroaya also warns about the US support for the MKO. “Washington has been protecting the MEK, because it wants to keep them on a leash as either leverage against Tehran or to have the option of one day installing the MEK into power in Tehran as part of a regime change operation against Iran.” He confirms that the MKO “has literally become incorporated into the Pentagon and CIA toolboxes against Tehran.”[5]

The Iranian-American analyst declares that the MKO’s money is circulated among its sponsors and the group’s propaganda arm. “The irony is that the money for the event most probably came from the US government itself. US allies probably contributed too,” he writes. “This money has gone to the MEK’s lobbying initiatives with the US Congress and US Department of State, which in effect is recycling US funding.” [6]

The fraudulent policy of the West to run its empire in the Middle East is very clearly seen in recent Henry Kissinger’s comment about ISIS which MKO propaganda website proudly republishes it. The former US Secretary of State who is famous for his warmonger policies, expressed in an interview with NPR that he considers ”Iran a bigger problem than ISIS”. He sounds to be making this audience ready for another war in the region—which is a dream for Maryam Rajavi. [7]

Daniel Larison announces to his country fellow politicians that the MKO is not “the main Iranian opposition” or “anything like it”. He suggests, ”The shilling for this group by many prominent American former officials and politicians is one of the more disgraceful displays of the last decade, and as long as it continues it should be held up for derision.” [8]

However, as Nasemroaya proposes, the West’s imperialism policy is not indeed based on truth but it is based on its in benefits and interests.  “When it comes down to it, the US is not concerned about fighting the ISIL, which has been serving Washington’s interests in the Middle East,” he concludes. ”America’s main concern is about preserving its crumbling empire and preventing Eurasian integration.” [9]

Mazda Parsi


[1] Nazemroaya, Mahdi Darius, The March to War: Fighting ISIL is a Smokescreen for US Mobilization against Syria, Iran, Global Research, September 26, 2014

[2] ibid

 [3] Larison, Daniel, The Disgraceful Shilling for the MEK Continues, The American Conservative, August 9, 2014

[4] ibid

[5] Nazemroaya, Mahdi Darius, The March to War: Fighting ISIL is a Smokescreen for US Mobilization against Syria, Iran, Global Research, September 26, 2014

[6] ibid

[7] NPR Staff, Henry Kissinger’s Thoughts On The Islamic State, Ukraine And ‘World Order’, NPR  , September 6, 2014

[8] Larison, Daniel, The Disgraceful Shilling for the MEK Continues, The American Conservative, August 9, 2014

[9] Nazemroaya, Mahdi Darius, The March to War: Fighting ISIL is a Smokescreen for US Mobilization against Syria, Iran, Global Research, September 26, 2014

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