Ebrahim Khodabandeh in Baghdad

Ebrahim Khodabande, former responsible of the MKO’s international relations visited some of Iraqi officials including two MPs Adnan Seraj and Adnan Shahmari. He also met the Iranian Ambassador in Baghdad Hassan Danaieefar.

In his recent trip to Baghdad, Iraq, he was interviews by some Iraqi media and newspapers including Al-Masar TV and Kul Al-akhbar Newspaper.

During these meetings, he described grieves of families of members of the Cult of Rajavi who are taken as hostages by the cult leaders in Camp Liberty, near Baghdad.

He asked Mr. Ambassador to take any necessary action in order to facilitate contacts between suffering families and their love ones imprisoned in Liberty. Danaieefar in response promised to use any possible means to help Liberty residents find access to their families.

Khodabandeh warned Iraqi officials on the threat liberty residents are exposed to. He emphasized the need to take serious action in order to prevent a human catastrophe in Camp Liberty who responsible is no one except Massoud Rajavi the Leader of the MKO cult. He asked Iraqi MPs to draw the attention of Iraqi administration and parliament to the human rights issue of Liberty hostages.

Ibrahim Khodabande was a member of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization who was arrested in Syria when he was on a mission for the organization. He was then transferred to Iran and imprisoned for five years.

After his release he turned into a vocal critic of the MKO’s cult-like abusive system. He is an active member of Nejat Society. A lot of his articles in both Persian and English and interviews with have been so far published.

As a former official on international relations of the MKO, Khodabande is meticulously informed about the true nature of the Cult of Rajavi. He has been the main speaker of various conferences on the terrorist cult-like substance of the MKO. Khodabandeh translated the famous book of Professor Margaret Thaler Singer “Cults in our Midst” to Persian.

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