MEK tries to delay the process of Liberty residents’ transfer

A couple of officials from Iraq have commented that although 210 places have been ready for some months to take residents from Camp Liberty, and the US is willing to take 80 of them, the major obstacle is still the MEK which is trying to delay the process as much as possible, hoping, presumably that some more of the camp’s residents will be killed or die in Iraq.

[The MEK submitted its own list of potential transferees, half of whom are disabled or seriously or terminally ill]. Meanwhile IRNA reported that the names of people pardoned by Iran have been passed to the UNHCR, which says they are now free to go back home. IRNA says UN sources admit that if the residents could choose themselves, many would want to go back, the problem is that the MEK don’t give the UN free and unfettered access to these people.

Iran Interlink Weekly Digest

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