Sanjabi and Khodabandeh in the Conference on “World Against Violence and Extremism”

Maryam Sanjabi and Ebrahim Khodabandeh Participate in the Conference on “World Against Violence and Extremism”

The International Conference on World Against Violence and Extremism (WAVE) was held in Tehran by the Institute of Political and International Studies (IPIS) on 9-10 Dec. 2014, with the participation of hundreds of delegations from 53 countries around the world.

The Conference was opened on Tuesday Dec. 9 in the Summit Conference Hall with the welcoming remarks of Mohammad Javad Zarif, Minister of Foreign Affairs and the opening remarks of Hassan Rouhani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the opening session Asif Ali Zardari, former President of Pakistan, Kjell Magne Bondevik, former Prime Minister of Norway, Mohammad Mohaqqeq, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Afghanistan, and Dominique de Villepin, former Prime Minister of France, also delivered speeches.

The speech makers of the afternoon session included Ebrahim al-Jafari, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iraq, Walid al-Muallem, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Syria, Adnan Mansour, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants of Lebanon, Habib bin Mohammad Alriami, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Oman, Georgios Iacovou, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus, Werner Fasslabend, former Minister of Defense of Austria, Budimir Loncar, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Former Yugoslavia, Ashot Hovakimian, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, Atiqullah Atismal, Acting Foreign Minister of Afghanistan, Teresita Quintos Deles, Ministerial Adviser to the President on Peace Process of Philippines, and Nizomiddin Shamsiddinzoda Zohidi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan.

The various sessions continued on the second day with speeches from personalities such as Kareem Abdullfattah, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, Esam Alddin Ali Abdullah, Coordinator for Counter Terrorism in the Interior Ministry of Sudan, Thore Ottar Vestby, Mayor for Peace of Norway, Jose Vicente Rangal Avalos, Executive Vice President of Venezuela, Samuel Santos Lopez, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua, Proto-Genes Pinheiro De Queirez, Federal Parliament Member of Brazil, and Abdulhamid Dashti, Chairman of the Human Rights Committee of Kuwait. The final speaker was Dr. Mansoureh Karami, wife of martyred nuclear scientist Massoud Alimohammadi, representing the Association for Defending Victims of Terror in Iran (ADVT). Her attendance and speech were very warmly welcomed by the participants, audience and the media.

Political and executive personalities and diplomats and officials from NGOs from various countries participated in an evening dinner reception hosted by Javad Zarif, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran. Maryam Sanjabi, former member of the Leadership Council, and Ebrahim Khodabandeh former official of the International Department of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, aka Rajavi Cult) participated in the opening session, dinner reception, and most of the fringe meetings of the two day conference and actively spoke with most participants and reporters. They were also interviewed by the Iraqi television network Al-Forat and delivered their points of view about the problems facing the families of Camp Liberty residents in Iraq – who desire to visit their loved ones but are prevented from doing so by MKO leaders – and urged the Iraqi officials responsible for the camp to take immediate action in this regard.

Sanjabi and Khodabandeh, during the two days of the conference while speaking to the participants gave a brief report about the latest situation of Rajavi’s mind manipulating destructive cult (MKO) and emphasized the need to establish contact between those trapped in Camp Liberty in Iraq in the hands of Rajavi, and their suffering families. In all cases, without exception, the addressees approved the necessity for this basic right to be fulfilled and made promises that they would do everything possible in their capacity to help this human rights issue which is the result of the whim of a violent extremist leader of a cult.

Khodabandeh also met with Jean-Marie Guthenno, President of the International Crisis Group, Ali Dabbagh, former Iraqi Government Spokesman, Jan Oberg, Director of Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research of Sweden, Richard Bacon, Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom, Herald Kindermann, German Council of Foreign Relations, Martin Fleischer, Vice President of the East-West Institute of Brussels, Cardinal Theodore Mc Carrick of the USA, Jim Slattery, former Congressman of the USA, and many dignitaries including governmental, non-governmental, international and human rights officials, and briefed them in detail about the Rajavi Cult and the situation of his victims and hostages in Camp Liberty.

Ebrahim Khodabandeh also met Ebrahim Jafari, Iraq’s Foreign Minister, and delivered to him the pleas of the families who anxiously want to visit their loved ones in Iraq. Mr. Jafari expressed his sympathy with the families and promised to try to help them. In this meeting Mr. Jafari emphasized that the MKO is a terrorist cult which has committed many crimes against the people of Iraq and confirmed that it is the wish of all factions and tendencies that they should leave the country and that their leaders be prosecuted. He said that preventing the families from visiting their relatives shows by itself the nature of the leaders of this group.

The Conference ended on the afternoon of Wednesday Dec. 10 with a concluding speech by Mr. Zarif followed by a question and answer session with him.

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