The MKO Adore Hypocrisy on Human Rights

From time to time, the UN issues a resolution condemning violation of human rights in Iran. This makes the Mujahedin khalq Organization to get some fuel to run its propaganda machine against the Islamic Republic despite its own horrendous human rights record.

The self-claimed president of the group, Maryam Rajavi uses this opportunity to describe the 61st resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 18, 2014, “as another decisive document on illegitimacy of having economic and political relationship with the ruling clerical regime in Iran.”

Prior to the recent resolution, in November Dr. Ismail Salami wrote on the Global Research, “The not-very-independent UN body has made a mockery of justice by soldering a resolution on the so-called human rights violations in Iran.” He suggests that the double standard over human rights has led the UN to ignore severe violation of human rights by some countries like Israel. [1]

Dr Salimi considers Canada — one of the main sponsors of Israel—behind the resolution against Iran. In May 2014, Canadian Liberal MP Irwin Cotler who served as the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada from 2003 until 2006 embarked on a series of programs known as Iran Accountability Weeks in which they heard  “testimonies highlighting Iranian political prisoners and other victims of Iranian human rights abuses.” Among those who testified was the notorious terrorist MKO leader Maryam Rajavi accompanied by a UN rights official and pundits from a hawkish American think tank. [2]

To comprehend the link between the two sides of the Canadian campaign of advocate both the MKO and Israel, it is worth to read Gareth Porter’s piece on the Middle East Eye that once more exposes warm relationship between the MKO and Israel.

Porter explains how the propaganda against the Iranian nuclear program was first fabricated by Israel and then handed over to the MKO. ” We now know that the documents did not come from an Iranian participant in the alleged project, as the media were led to believe for years; they were turned over to German intelligence by the anti-regime Iranian terrorist organization, Mujahedeen E Khalq, (MEK)” , He writes.” I first reported this in 2008 and have now confirmed from an authoritative German source in my book on the Iran nuclear issue. The MEK was well known to have been a client of the Mossad, serving to launder Israeli intelligence claims that the Israelis did not want attributed to themselves.” [3]

The MKO-Israeli cooperation is not restricted to intelligence laundering and spying operations. “Over the past three decades, the MKO has initiated a series of deadly attacks on Iran and the Iranian population and has so far assassinated 12000 Iranians including the nuclear scientists”, writes Dr. Salimi. “It is interesting to note that the assassinations of prominent Iranian characters including the politicians and scientists are basically conducted in cahoots with Israeli Kidon, the assassination unit within Mossad.”[4]

While the UN ignores serious violation of human rights in Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and particularly in camps of the cult-like MKO, the Australian Government maintains the MKO and its affiliates in its consolidated list updated on December 15th, 2014. This took place a few weeks after the bloody hostage taking in a cafe in the Australian Capital Sydney.

Although the cult leader Mrayam Rajavi vainly tries to wear the mask of humanity by laying flowers at the floral memorial of the victims of the incident in Sydney, the history will never forget the atrocities of the Cult leaders toward its own members, and the victims’ memories will be always alive.

Mazda Parsi


[1] Salami, Ismail, Human Rights and Double Standards: UN Resolution on Iran Mockery of Justice

Global Research, November 21, 2014

[2] ibid

[3] Porter, Gareth, Guess who credits the Mossad with producing the ‘laptop documents?’, Middle East Eye, Thursday 18 December

[4] Salami, Ismail, Human Rights and Double Standards: UN Resolution on Iran Mockery of Justice

Global Research, November 21, 2014

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