In a democracy we don’t beg terrorists not to kill us

Open letter to President Hollande

In a democracy we don’t beg terrorists not to kill us – Instead we expect our elected leaders to ensure that such crimes are prevented

An Open Letter To President François Hollande From Anne Khodabandeh (Singleton) in the UK

Dear President,

Freedom of speech is under threat in Europe. You, and other national leaders swear you are doing all you can to protect this principle and to protect your citizens from this threat.

Let me remind you that for three decades France has hosted the Mojahedin Khalq terrorist group in Auvers-sur-Oise, just outside Paris.

In the past few weeks, the leader of this group, Massoud Rajavi, has broadcast a message to the MEK members, some hundreds of whom live hidden lives in France and other European cities. In this message, Rajavi demands the assassination of former members of the MEK and other critics of the group. I am included in that list.

Addressing his loyal followers (brainwashed cult members), Rajavi says “I ask that every one of these traitors be brought to justice”. Placing this demand in the context of Ashura (the historical massacre of Imam Hossien and his followers), Rajavi asks them to be willing to sacrifice their own lives in order to kill each one of his enemies.

Three times this message has been reinforced, with the names and pictures of targets broadcast over a European satellite owned by a Saudi Arabian company. The latest broadcast was on the eve of the Charlie Hebdo killings. My picture is in the centre as the main target. My ‘crime’ has been to speak out about the true nature of this murderous group, to expose the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, both in the Middle East and in Europe.

You are the President of France, not ISIS or Al Qaida. You, therefore, are responsible for the security of your citizens. I also hold you responsible for my life because you are currently hosting a terrorist group which threatens to kill me simply because I speak out against its continued crimes. In a democracy we don’t beg terrorists not to kill us. Instead we expect our elected leaders to ensure that such crimes are prevented.

France has protected the MEK for thirty years in a closed de facto terrorist enclave just outside Paris. I, and others like me, do not expect to pay the price with our lives for the cynical policy of hosting this group as a tool for political games.

About Anne Khodabandeh (Singleton):

Middle East Strategy Consultants,

Autor of “Saddam’s Private Army” and “The life of Camp Ashraf”

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