BREAKING: Amateur hour at the pro-war media, latest allegations against Iran FABRICATED

In the wake of the embarrassing new revelations that the top Israeli intelligence agency is contradicting Bibi Netanyahu on his alarmist Iran intelligence, the well known liars, the "dissident" group NCRI (aka MEK), has jumped into damage control action and has released a suspiciously timed report that claims Iran has a new secret site. Countless media outlets including of course Faux News, have jumped on this as well.

Screen shot from GMP Safe Company Website

But it’s a total fabrication. The image included in the NCRI report is actually a product shot from the Iranian safe company.

Page 10 of NCRI Report, Feb 24, 2015

Original report as republished by the rabid pro-war site "Washington Free Beacon" and linked in their over-hyped story.

GMP Safe company "explosion resistant doors" product shot.

This is truly amateur hour. It took only a Google "search by image" to find it. Actually, I first became suspicious when I read the original report and saw the picture. They said this was for "radiation". To quote Washington Post’s coverage:

Satellite images the group culled from Google showed a large, walled complex of buildings at the foothills of the mountains outside Tehran. They also exhibited photographs purportedly taken inside the tunnel showing a steel door that they said was lined with lead to prevent radiation leaks.

 But why would a radiation resistant door be made out of stainless steel? Shouldn’t it be covered completely by lead?

 Also, these clowns supposedly infiltrated this large underground nuclear bunker, but only had like a 1990’s camera phone on them? Why not more pictures or videos?

Well, once you see the real picture they stole (the product shot from GMP Safe Company), you see that the original shows windows with sunlight coming in from behind the safe. It’s clearly not in a secret underground bunker, but rather a warehouse which makes perfect sense for a safe.

Here’s a partial shame list of the irresponsible and complicit media reporting on the report as fact without even a pretense of verification.


Washington Times


Washington Post

Washington Free Beacon (Adam Kredo)

World Net Daily (Jerome Corsi)

Source: Daily KOS, by Florida Democrat

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