Iran rejects MKO’s nuclear claims as”baseless”

Iran’s permanent UN mission in New York dismissed as "baseless" and "fake" the recent claim that was raised by the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as MEK, NCRI and PMOI) and appeared on a US daily about Iran’s nuclear program. "It is regrettable that the newspaper (Washington Post) has released false and repeated claims of a terrorist grouplet whose anti-human nature is evident to all," a statement by the Iranian mission said on Wednesday, FNA reported.

It added that the extremist and radical groups which are witnessing the failure of their useless attempts to turn Iran’s peaceful nuclear technology into a security case and the growing failure of Iranophobia policies embark on lying and black propaganda against Tehran.

The statement underlined the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program, and said as stated in the International Atomic Energy Agency’s reports, Iran and the IAEA are cooperating at a good level and Tehran is committed to its undertakings based on the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

According to Washington Post, the terrorist MKO on Tuesday claimed that Iran was conducting secret research with the aim of developing nuclear weapons.

It claimed that underground labs in suburban Tehran had been used since 2008 to enrich uranium. It said the plant, named Lavizan-3 after the neighborhood where many officers and their families live, is reached through tunnels leading from under a building ostensibly used to process passports and identity cards.

Meantime, Washington Post underlined that claims could not be independently verified and US officials had declined to comment.

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday that the country’s logical approach in talks with the world powers and its transparent cooperation with the UN nuclear watchdog had caused the world states to admit that Tehran’s nuclear technology is for peaceful purposes.

Addressing the opening ceremony of the meeting of Science Ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) member states, President Rouhani stressed that in the today world nobody could ever claim that Iran’s nuclear program is non-peaceful.

Also, on Thursday, Iran’s envoy to the IAEA Reza Najafi said the latest report by the UN nuclear watchdog on Iran indicated that the country’s nuclear activities were transparent and the alleged concerns of certain western states were baseless.

"The detailed report inclusive of the places, the number of centrifuges and their types, the amount of enriched and not enriched materials, the number of manufactured fuel plates and reports on numerous inspections all in all indicate full transparency of Iran’s nuclear program," Najafi said.

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