This Small Gang of New York!

Mojahedin-e khalq held a rally in New York but the number of the participants was so small that there was no report or photo of it on different websites of Mojahedin; only one website gave a brief report on the gathering.


42 members and supporters of terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq gathered in front of United Nations building in New York on April 28.

Maryam Rajavi, who’s added requesting a seat in the UN to her ambitions in order to boost the morale of her forces, is trying to give credibility to her dreams by expressing them through Canadian MP Meili Faille.

Rajavi asked Americans again for mercy and requested the removal of her band from terror list.

What is important is that no one of members of congress who are apparently supporters of MKO came to the rally; they only sent short messages saying they were "with them"! Observers believe that taking part in MKO’s gathering equals their political death. They also say that politicians refuse to participate in MKO’s meetings because the group is incredible and that the outcomes are grave.

However, the major sponsors of MKO’s gathering with only 42 participants were the members of a pro-Israeli so-called "American Committee for Democracy in the Middle East".

Zucker (who had earlier sent MKO’s message of preparedness for cooperation to Israeli officials), James Collins and other members of this Zionist lobby tried to boost the morale of Rajavi’s gang and kept them up.

Alireza Jafarzadeh, who got nothing from commenting on Middle East affairs in the Fox News and was not able to save his masters, showed his real face again and spoke among the MKO members.

Meanwhile, MKO’s stupid propaganda system published an expensive ad in Washington Times, claiming that 200 Iranian associations have asked for the removal of MKO’s name from terror list.

The benefit of publishing these ads is more important for Washington Times than the accuracy of the contents of the ads themselves. However, if these fabricated associations had each sent at least one representative to New York to take part in MKO’s rally, then there would have been no need for the group to ask for the help of Israelis and Washington Times.

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