High- Ranking member Prosecution; MKO reaction to the deponents

Mehdi Abrishamchi; a high ranking member of MKO and the ex-husband of the so called president elect of the group – Maryam Rajavi was summoned for a court hearing by the French Court of First Instance at the Palais de Justice in Paris on terrorism charges .

The MKO has kept up silence over the Abrishamchi’s appearance in the court, However it couldn’t keep cool over the activities of former members of the group.

MKO ex-members staged a picket outside the court in support of the prosecution. The Mujahedin- e Khalq elements reacted to the demonstration by posting defamatory leaflets around their residency areas.

The group agents also attacked those ex-members who offer testimony to the investigative judge. 

In its weekly Digest Iran Interlink reports: ” .. One of these is Mansour Nazari who was physically attacked and injured in his neck. His attackers were commanded by notorious lumpen Mehran Kakavand whose role is to perform such jobs for the MEK. The Police are now involved and the Investigative judge has added the case of distribution of defamatory leaflets around the homes of ex members to the file against Mehdi Abrishamchi. So the MEK have stupidly made it worse for him.”

Nejat Society

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