Informed source in IRI Embassy in Paris rejects Reuters’ claim

Paris– An informed source in Embassy of Iran in France here on Friday strongly rejected as ‘false and baseless’ a claim made by the Reuters on Iran’s nuclear and missile cooperation with North Korea.

Terming the news in question as ‘politically motivate news fabrication’, the informed Iranian Embassy source said that the false news is based only on biased information provide for the Reuters by the ill-famed terrorist group Mojahedine-e Khalq Organization (MKO – also known as the People’s Mojahedin of Iran – PMO), which is comprised of a bunch of mercenaries of the aliens.

He said that such false news’ broadcasting by the Reuters is highly questionable and suspicious in this particular period of time.

‘It was quite predictable in advance that with approaching deadline for signing of an Iran-Sextet final nuclear agreement and increased chances for cracking a win-win deal with the West on Iran’s peaceful nuclear program the broadcasting of such false and baseless news, too, will accelerate,’ he added.

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