The MKO “cannot and should not be trusted”

The annual gathering of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) was held a few weeks earlier than the date that used to be held in the previous years. It used to be held on June 20th which commemorates the date that armed struggle against Iran started by the group. The change indicates that MKO is trying very hard to derail diplomatic engagement between Iran and the West before the end of June deadline. They use all means possible to prevent the agreement between West and Iran on nuclear issues.

The leader of the MKO cult of personality, Maryam Rajavi allegedly warned “the US and world powers to recognize Iran’s intentions in advance of the deadline on the interim nuclear framework agreement, that coms at the end of this month.”

During the gathering, the MKO propaganda is highly focused on nuclear talks although the group issue is not among the talks between West and Iran.

The controversial event on June 13th, in Villepint Paris, was a mess. There were a large number of people with different interests but they had a few aspirations in common: animosity against Iran, fear of a friendly relationship with Iran, Islamophobia and so. However, you can hardly ever find someone with true aspirations for democracy in Iran.

Indeed, democracy is in no way in line with the MKO’s ideology. The same is about freedom of speech and human rights. The Mujahedin Khalq is, according to many reports and documents a cult-like group that abuses its own members, forbids marriage and forces them to attend self-criticism sessions. Cult members are not allowed to question their leaders, and they have to lead their lives according to the Cult’s agenda.

Best critiques and facts about MKO are always provided by its former members during the interview by international bodies and media.

The above-mentioned issues are only a part of the modern slavery system in the MKO that has been widely revealed in the media. One should truly feel sorry for those who listened, believed and trusted the MKO disinformation campaign. The huge controversy in the Villepinte propaganda show and the true nature of the group demonstrates the group’s urgent need to save its survival on the planet!

By Mazda Parsi,

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