We would never cooperate with MEK

We would never cooperate with Mojahedin Khalq Organisation of Iran

Q There are numerous reports about low-intensity operations ongoing in Iran from three different places — PKK going over the border into Iraq, the MEK southern border of Iraq into Iran, and also certain operations from Balochistan involving also the Pakistanis. Does the U.S. have a policy, given also reports which I know you won’t comment on, on possible special forces operations in Iran? Does U.S. policy, based on the notion that an enemy of our enemy is our friend, consider changing its policy towards the PKK or —

MR. McCLELLAN: Our policies haven’t changed on those organizations. They remain the same. And you’re bringing up organizations that we view as terrorist organizations.

Q We would never cooperate with them, in terms of —

MR. McCLELLAN: Our policy hasn’t changed.

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