Mojahedin Khalq supports Daesh, plans terrorist training camp in Albania

The following is a summary of two articles published by Iraqi newspaper Alsabah Aljadid which reveal the Mojahedin Khalq’s support for Daesh with which it finds common cause in attacking Iran. And the MEK’s plans to replace its former terrorist training camps in Iraq with a new camp in Albania. This base would be open to any terrorist group for military training and planning and preparation for terrorist operations in Iran and abroad according to what is required.

MEK takes 500 members to Albania to build a new terrorist training camp like Camp Ashraf

The MEK is trying to get support in the West for its fundamental aim of opposing Iran. The MEK wants to be used in the forefront of anti-Iran activity. As usual, the organisation – which still has around two thousand members inside Iraq in Camp Liberty near Baghdad airport – has announces its political platform during the annual ceremony which took place a week ago in the French capital Paris.

The MEK’s endeavours are not straightforward or easy because the main protagonists in this scenario, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America, are busy with complex negotiations in connection with Iran’s nuclear power programme and signals indicate the two sides are near to agreement of a final formula.

In this respect, the MEK is racing against time to rally American parties to oppose the agreement, particularly a bipartisan group led by Newt Gringrich.

In a letter to President Obama and candidates for the presidency, Gingrich along with 38 political and military personalities including French politician Bernard Kouchner, explained their vision of an American strategy in dealing with various issues in the Middle East. The letter stressed that the way to combat these problems in their opinion, is to recognise that insecurity and instability in the region is caused by Iran.

This indicates that some in the West are being encouraged to revive the MEK and place it at the front of political developments, perhaps in anticipation that the US-Iran part of the negotiations fail.

It is noteworthy that the Democratic candidate for the US presidency, Hillary Clinton, has succeeded in persuading Albania to accept a few hundred MEK members on humanitarian grounds on condition that the US received 28 members. The number of MEK in Albania could rise to five hundred. But informed sources in the French capital said that Albania is on the verge of a political storm because the MEK has bought land and property in Tirana and the government there fears the MEK will create a camp similar to the former Camp Ashraf in Iraq. This would be a base for military training and planning and preparation for terrorist operations in Iran and abroad according to what is required.

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Daesh and the MEK

In an interview published by Alsabah Aljadid newspaper, Adnan al-Sarraj, Head of the Iraqi Centre for Media Development, said:

There are many terrorist organisations which seek to destabilise Iraq and undermine the will of its people. In particular, soon after the emergence of the Daesh terrorist gang, the Mojahedin Khalq announced it would join forces with Daesh and support it directly and indirectly. The MEK committed many crimes under the Baath Party’s rule and used despicable and dirty methods against the Iraqi people. It is trying today, through alliance with Daesh, to implement a number of actions which will destabilise the security situation of Iraq and stir up sectarian strife between various groups in Iraq.

… Daesh is looking for ways to expand its hostile influence on Iraq through secret and public alliance with others whose aim is to implement the destruction and divisions caused by terrorism using the most heinous crimes and the dirtiest bloody and brutal tactics against the whole of Iraq. In this respect it is not surprising that the terrorist MEK is the single most important of these groups since both groups share the same evil goal which is the destruction of Iraq and the integrity of the country, without caring what will follow such tactics or about the humanitarian rights of the people or any bloodshed caused by such an assault.

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