MEK Formally Announce its Resumption of Terrorism

The MEK’s publicity outlets have broadcast a message from Massoud Rajavi to the members.

Before this, there had not been any video of his speeches since 2003. This time there wasn’t even an audio of Rajavi’s voice and the message was read by someone else.

After the usual lengthy rant, the main message is from one side threatening revenge against the Europeans and Americans for doing a deal with Iran.

From other side Rajavi ironically claims the deal signals the beginning of the end for Iran because the MEK will resume its terrorist operations and “You will hear about it in Iran; we will launch terrorist attacks soon”.

Contrary to the MEK’s mask of peace and democracy in the West, the MEK has announced its resumption of terrorism from its satellite TV in London and its website from Auvers-sur-Oise near Paris.

The general interpretation among MEK experts is that this mixed message demonstrates Rajavi’s panic as he sees Iran getting closer to the West and the gap he depends upon to exploit is closing up.

On the other hand the absence of audio has introduced more mystery to the question of Rajavi’s whereabouts.

Iran Interlink Weekly Digest

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