Corrupt Money circulating between the MKO and Iraqi parties

Iraqi politics is affected by financial corruption of certain political parties.

According to Iraqi parliamentarian sources quoted by the Iraqi Newspaper “alMuraqib alIraqia”, “Some politicians fund ISIS with money stolen from Iraqi nation.”

The report adds that the money is originally paid to opposition figures such as Ayad Alavi by the Mujahedin Khalq Organization. Ayad Alavi is the president of Alqaemia Alvatania party that criticizes the Iraqi Shiite government. He is a vocal supporter of the MKO in Iraq.

alMuraqib alIraqia refers to the testimony of a former member of the MKO, GorbanAli Husseinnezhad who served as the Arabic interpreter of the group leader, Massoud Rajavi: “Iraqi political figures and media received large amounts of money from the MKO directly or indirectly.”

According to Hosseinnezhad some of the Iraqi officials who cooperated with the MKO were: Tariq alHashemi, Saleh Matlak, Ashvaq Aljaf, Faezeh Alabidi and Ala Talibani.

The report states that the corrupt money has succeeded to buy the support of satellite TV channels in Baghdad in order to obstruct Iraqi political processes and to expand political party disputes. Iraqi parliament speaker warns that the expansion of political disputes is only in agreement with the interests of terrorist groups like ISIS and the MKO.

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