Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 110

++ has an online analysis of MEK activities. Among these activities, lists the various blogs, Facebook pages and websites created by the MEK as deceptive clones of genuine internet places. Ironically many of these clones are of ex-members sites – in particular the MEK is using the name ‘Iran Interlink’ for these clones. Cibloggers describes this as ‘Rajavi’s Desperation’ and says that all this effort is just so that people might mistakenly visit their sites instead of genuine ones like That is their maximum expectation.

++ The MEK have begun a campaign to publish a series of articles and pictures to show that the residents of Camp Liberty are holding demonstrations. Farsi commentators point out that this is a place to which even UNAMI officials have restricted access, let alone any press, media or families. They ask, “How can you call this a ‘demonstration’ when there are no media or officials to witness and report it?” Others have highlighted the MEK’s misuse of women’s rights by publishing pictures of a handful of women posing for pictures holding banners written in English. Several people have said, “We know these women, some are known dissenters and in any case none of them speak English. Their faces show they are under pressure. Rajavi is trying to position women at the front of the organisation, but the reality of their situation is obvious from this picture.”

++ News has emerged that Mojgan Parsai is in Tirana. Many people who knew her as a notorious torturer under Saddam’s Iraq condemn the fact that she is now freely walking around in Albania.

++ Ebrahim Khodabandeh has published part 8 of the ongoing articles in which he reveals what MEK insiders divulge to him about what is happening inside the cult. In this article Khodabandeh says this coming week marks the 50th anniversary of the MEK and Massoud Rajavi is on overdrive to spend money to uphold the past (nobody in the MEK still thinks they are continuing the original path of ant-Imperialism). Rajavi will shortly announce who he has appointed as the new MEK leader and will start a new series of Ideological Revolution sessions. According to people inside the MEK, this is his last effort to keep it together and stop it disintegrating. The reason is that nobody believes in it anymore and the MEK is falling apart. The most common doubts and questions which are being raised, and are being suppressed through physical and mental means, are:

– Rajavi always said after Maliki we will move back to Camp Ashraf, but everyone sees that even Camp Liberty is being closed and everyone is being moved to Albania.

– Second, how long does a man live that he is in hiding for 12 years? What’s the point of him?

– Third the NLA and military capability is finished, so what happened to the armed struggle which Rajavi still insists we must believe in? How does that work?

– There are many question about the recent nuclear deal and the fate of Camp Maryam in France as the French are saying more and more clearly that the MEK are no longer – have never been – welcome there.

– There is a huge amount of questioning and uncertainty about the fate of the people in Albania. There is clearly no plan. What is Rajavi’s strategy or tactic for them?

– The main question which frightens the MEK more than any other and which is gaining momentum is, ‘Can anyone give an example of the MEK doing anything for themselves, any independent action or strategy it has followed that has not been dictated by Saddam Hussein, America, Israel or Saudi Arabia?’

In English:

++ Two main threads this week. One is criticism of the MEK in the political context of the nuclear agreement. The other are reports concerning the ongoing human rights violations of the MEK, particularly the efforts of the Mohammadi family whose search for MEK hostage Somayeh has been met with violence in the streets of the small tourist village of Auvers-sur-Oise by the MEK.

++ A good news story from Nejat Bloggers: Fereydoun Ebrahimi, who had been forced to remain in the MEK’s cult camps for 15 years, managed to escape Camp Liberty in 2014 by approaching the UN officials and asking for help. Fereydoun had no contact with his family from the time he was recruited by the cult. He called his family as soon as he stepped back into the free world. He then went to Turkey. In Turkey he was able to meet with his mother and other family members after 15 years, though unfortunately his father had passed away. Ebrahimi now lives a free life in Germany and is due to repatriate to his homeland to join his family. The MEK Cult leaders prevent any family contact and consider family relations as their cult’s enemy. According to the reports of defected members of the group, most of those residing in Camp Liberty are willing to leave the Cult.

++ Fars News reports that according to an informed source in Bahrain “The Al Khalifa regime has recently asked the MKO terrorist group to cooperate with the Manama government to confront Iran”. He noted that the Bahrain intelligence service believes that Iran is the main supporter of the Manama government’s opponents and for this reason it supports the MKO as an armed opposition group which has assassinated over 12,000 Iranian citizens and officials. “The Manama government has sent Bahraini lawmaker Jamal Bouhassan to Paris to meet MKO leaders to the same end,” the source said. The source also revealed that Bahraini journalist Hani al-Fardan has been arrested for publishing an article against MKO. Al-Fardan has been arrested over an article during which he criticized Bahraini lawmakers for supporting the MKO terrorist group. Al-Fardan, the Arabic-language Al-Wasat journalist, was interrogated over his article that criticized the Salafist Member of Parliament, Jamal Bouhassan, who attended the MKO meetings in Paris, and disclosed how Bahrain and its Parliament support the MKO terrorist organization’s activities against Iran.

 August 28, 2015

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