Iran After Terror-Free World: ADVT Spokesperson

Iran favors international peace and societies free from acts of terrorism, spokeswoman of the Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism (ADVT) said on Sunday.

Speaking at a press conference in the Tasnim News Agency headquarters in Tehran, Mansoureh Karami, wife of assassinated Iranian nuclear scientist Masoud Alimohammadi, said, “We are after the world of peace and societies without terror, and want to prove this to the world, so that the world would take the same approach.”

She also denounced certain world powers for creating and funding terrorist groups, gaining benefits from their activities, and then deciding to destroy them.

Karami said “the arrogant and criminal governments” commit numerous atrocities themselves, such as by creation of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group, but seek to put the blame on Iran and pressurize the country via human rights allegations.

She noted that the ADVT has plans to obtain a fatwa –Islamic religious decree- from ranking clerics on the prohibition and condemnation of terrorism and assassination.

The ADVT is a Tehran-based non-governmental organization, founded in 2007. It has provided an opportunity for the families of victims of terrorism to gather around and share their experiences.

Iran has been targeted by many abhorrent terrorist attacks in the past, mainly by members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI).

Around 17,000 Iranians have fallen victim to terrorist attacks since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

A number of Iranian nuclear scientists have been also assassinated in recent years in plots that proved to have been hatched by Israel.

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