Open letter to Isabelle Mézières, mayor of Auvers Sure Oise

Greetings to you Mrs.Isabelle MEZIERES , the mayor of Auver Sur Oise Respectfully ,

I am Mrs. Zahra MOEINI who has the years of experience of being a member in Mojahedin Organization under the leadership of Massoud and Maryam RAJAVI . I lost my health and physical capability in the struggle and right now i am considered as an handicapped by German Medical Association . I am very grateful and thankful to you for welcoming two family whose children are captive in this dangerous cult which resides in Auver Sur Oise .

 As you have been witnessing that despite of Mrs. Maryam RAJAVI’s slogans that call herself and her organization as the only alternative for overthrowing the Iranian regime and also calls herself the future president of Iran after overthrowing the Iranian regime and she always talks about freedom and democracy but she does not want to respond to any request from families and others because the freedom of speech does not exist in this cult by no means .

All the members of this cult who want to return to their normal life , are confronted with lots of obstacles and the leaders of this cult tell them if they do not talk against this cult ,they will be supported financially . They are threatened by the leaders of this cult that if they talk against this cult , their benefits will be cut and they are told by the leadership of this cult that their life belong to the leadership .

 Mrs Mayor As you know despite of huge amount of money which this cult spends in France , Maryam RAJAVI does not do anything to rescue the residents of camp liberty in Iraq . Most of those stranded members in Iraq need urgent medical attention but unfortunately the cult’s operatives by the direct order of Maryam RAJAVI prevent it and when one of those stranded members dies , Maryam RAJAVI wears the human rights’ robe and she blames all the governments throughout the world.

Mrs. Mayor Some of the members of my family are still in captivity of this cult in Iraq. One of them is Mr. Akbar MOEINI who is my cousin and he has the blood cancer . when he was in France , he was seen and checked by the doctors and his blood cancer became a little bit better but when he met the UNAMI’s officials in Iraq and he explained his sickness and his refugee status in France to them . the Mojahedin operatives kept him in Iraq and they told him why did he ask them for medical help ?! they kept him there to die to put his picture in the frame for publicity in favor of this cult.

This is one of the crimes that Maryam RAJAVI by the direct order of her hidden and fugitive husband , Massoud RAJAVI, has done and i would like to inform you about some of the crimes which she has done so far :

1. All married members of this cult were ordered to get divorced by the direct order of Massoud and Maryam RAJAVI.

2. All women who were married before or were single, married to his husband , Massoud RAJAVI, by Maryam RAJAVI’s direct order .

3. Before sleeping with Massoud RAJAVI, their womb was taken out in a surgical operation to prevent pregnancy and if a woman refused it , she should have accepted the death penalty .

4. All children from 6 months old and teenagers got separated from their parents by the direct order of Massoud and Maryam RAJAVI. we were told by the operatives of this cult that all families cooperate with Iranian government and all families are mercenary and families were insulted by them. Mrs. Mayor I asked Maryam RAJAVI in different occasions to participate in a debate with us even in her so called Freedom TV but she did not answer . her fugitive husband , Massoud RAJAVI, gives a voice message from time to time and in this voice message he threatens all critics to death .

Mrs Mayor some of ladies and I who were a member of this cult before, have an association in Germany by the name of Iranian Women Association . our objective in this association is to help the ladies and gentlemen who separate from this cult in their administrative and juridical affaires . We as officials of Iranian Women Association would like to have an appointment with you

All the best Zahra MOEINI Frankfurt – Germany

Zahra Moeini, Iran Zanan,13.09.2015

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