Pictorial – MKO Cult shocking reply to the legal request of a father

On Friday 12 June 2015, Mostafa Mohammadi – whose daughter ;Somayeh is hold by the MKO hostage in Iraq –  visited Maryam Rajavi’s residence in Auvers sur Oise, the terrorist cult’s secretive enclave just outside Paris. He was accompanied by his other daughter Hooriyeh. Mostafa had been advised by his lawyer, who accompanied them on the visit, to make one last legally documented request directly to the leader of the group which is holding Somayeh. Only then, the lawyer advised, should Mostafa could go ahead with a legal complaint against Maryam Rajavi in France where she resides.

The Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) reaction was shocking. Instead of answering the door and listening to the legal request, and answering either negatively or in the affirmative, the cult leader Maryam Rajavi simply sent out a gang of thugs to beat him up along with Hooriyeh and the lawyer.

Although police intervened to prevent more serious injury an ambulance was called and Mostafa was hospitalised overnight.

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