MKO leader threaten members to death penalty

On the occasion of October 10th, World Day Against Death Penalty , the Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s propaganda arm, holds an alleged conference in Paris where its leader Maryam Rajavi claimed,” Our plan is an Iran without the death penalty”(!)

Meanwhile, a number of defectors of the MKO hold rallies, take actions and issue statements to denounce Rajavi’s claims. Besides, some of the former members posted their experiences and memoirs of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi as cult leaders who threaten their rank and file to death penalty.

Foad Basri is a defector of the MKO cult who hasn’t given up condemning the cult leaders in social networks. This is his Facebook status on October 11th, 2015:

“A video on the MKO website titled:” Tomorrow without Death Penalty” called a memory to my mind. I remember a meeting in Baharestan hall in Baghdad [when he was a member of the MKO]. Massoud Rajavi was walking on the stage, smoking a cigarette, when he said,”Anyone who wants to leave us, I mean in Baghdad, I myself issue his death sentence. In Iraq, we can do everything but unfortunately we cannot afford it, abroad. I allocate a place in [camp] Ashraf and I personally execute the mercenary renegades so that you do not think I’m kidding.” (!)

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