Human Rights advocate: Iran a victim of terrorism

Without West’s unconditional support, including logistical and media, terrorists wouldn’t be able to victimize so many Iranian people, says Secretary General of the Habilian Association, a human rights group formed by the family members and relatives of the Iranian victims of terrorism.

“At least 17,000 people in Iran have been killed to this date by the terrorist organizations with their headquarters in United States and Europe,” Mohammad Javad Hasheminejad told a news conference at Islamic Republic News Agency on the West’s support for terrorism in Iran on Tuesday.

“You can find no other countries that within one or two years into the revolution have lost two judiciary chiefs, one prime minister, parliament members and cabinet ministers to terrorism,” he said. The Human Rights NGO was established to claim the rights of the families who have lost their most beloved ones in terrorist operations.

Hasheminejad said that one of the main characteristics of the terror operations conducted in Islamic Republic was that they were targeted and victims were carefully selected.

Hasheminejad, whose father is one of the victims of terrorism in Iran, said: ‘While almost all of the assassinations in Iran were targeted, similar operations in the regional countries have been done mainly randomly for spreading terror.’ Terrorism against the people in the Islamic Republic was part of a big conspiracy organized by the Western countries.

“The terrorist groups used their Headquarters in the West to issue statements after every terrorist operation to claim the responsibility for their acts of terrorism,” he said.

“Even the host countries in the West, despite blacklisting some of these groups, never took any legal actions against them.”

The paradox is that the West alleges Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism, he added.

“It is a double oppression’ he said, adding that ‘they define terrorism according to their political and economic interests.”

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