The MKO in Paris, a Threat for Security

Following Friday’s deadly attacks in Paris, the Iranian President Rouhani has canceled his trip to France and Italy. The Iranian President’s visit to Italy and France is postponed to a “most suitable time” in the future, the Iranian foreign ministry announced Nov.

The “most suitable time” seems to be not so easily in sight regarding the presence of the mujahedin Khalq Organization in the French territory, particularly with its coordinated policy with terrorist extremists such as ISIS and al Qaeda.

What is in sight is the group’s propaganda against the trip of the Iranian president to Paris. They had organized a protest rally and actions for Monday, the day before the date that President Rouhani was supposed to travel to France. Of course, the MKO’s protest gatherings and actions are focused on the propaganda aspect of the group’s activities. Actually, deadly terror acts against Paris citizens are more in line with the group’s nature than democratic acts of protest.

According to reports and based on testimonies of eye witnesses, the coordinated attacks on five public  places in which killed about 150 innocent civilians could involve two main suspects, ISIS or al Qaeda as was the case of the attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in January. At least three suicide attackers were among terrorist gunmen.

While Maryam Rajavi the Paris-based leader of the Mujahedin Khalq offers condolences to French citizens and condemns the attacks, the dark history of the acts of violence, suicide and assassination in the MKO is undeniable. The MKO launched numerous mortar attacks against Iranian civilians and officials, they aided Saddam Hussein in the Massacre of Iraqi Kurds and Shiites in 1991, and they assassinated at least six US civilians and military personnel working in Iran in the 1970s. Besides, the group launched a coordinated terrorist attack against 13 Iranian embassies across the world in April 1992.  

Furthermore, Maryam Rajavi publicly announced her support for ISIS terrorists after they took over Mosul in Iraq praising them and calling the ISIS attack as “the public uprising of Iraqi revolutionary tribes”! This fact is undisputable in the group’s media archive.

This was not the first time that the MKO leaders offered their support for terrorist extremists. In September 11, 2001, after the deadly attack on the World Trade center in the United States, Masoud Rajavi was among very few people who celebrated the attacks. He gave candies to his rank and file in the camps.

Indeed, the violent substance of the MKO along with its Cult–like structure makes it very similar to extremist terrorist groups such as ISIS and al Qaeda. Their common structure and function links them with common targets. That’s why the physical presence of the MKO in the suburb of Paris increases its threat for French nation and even the whole Europe.

As President François Hollande promised a "merciless” fight against terrorists, he should not ignore the threat of potential terrorists for the security of French citizens in the neighborhood of Paris in Auver sur Oise. French authorities should keep in mind the bitter memory of the MKO members who set themselves on fire following the arrest of Maryam Rajavi by the French Police, in June 2003. A dozen of MKO members turned in to human torches and created heart breaking scenes in European Capitals. It should be noted that those human torches as well as their other comrades once had guns in their hands, wearing military uniforms and receiving military training from Saddam Hossein’s Baath army.

Mazda Parsi

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