Rajavi: To let go of my hostages, you have to pay me more

Rajavi reacts to the Iraqi parliament supporting families of the hostages in Camp Liberty (From Canada!!)

Mojahedin Khalq (aka National Council of Resistance, MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult) have put the reaction of their fugitive leader Massoud Rajavi on their site.

One of their banners reads “Issue Visas for us to visit our children in Camp Liberty”. We asked the Iraqi Foreign ministry about this. The reply was simple. “Ask for Visa and if rejected, then protest. Iraq is more that happy to give Visa especially if it is for reunion between families. We also welcome any help given to remove the residents of Camp Liberty out of Iraq”.

The other one reads “Dear Mr. Prime Minister, Order that obstacles of sale of Ashraf properties be removed or compensate the residents so their resettlement be expedited“.

Massoud Khodabandeh from Middle East Strategy Consultants commented on this saying:

“Considering the resettlement of MEK members from Iraq to Albania is financed by the United Nations (And partly by the Iraqi Government), Rajavi’s message could not be more clear. Pay me more if you expect me to release the hostages in Camp Liberty. This is not his first time. He has on many occasions asked for ransom whether in Iraq or in France. Unfortunately too many times getting what he wants but not keeping his side of the bargain. Remember America’s Secretary of State Hilary Clinton taking them off the American list of bad terrorists if they evacuate Camp Ashraf without violence in return. Rajavi’ cult got off the list as promised but refused to allow the transfer of the last 100 remaining people until over 50 of them were killed by the angry Iraqis who had their relatives killed by Mojahedin Khalq under the protection of Saddam”.

News Published in MEK Website:

Relatives of Camp Liberty residents rally outside Iraqi embassy in Canada

Thursday, 03 December 2015 09:12

NCRI – Relatives of members of the Iranian opposition who are under siege in Iraq held a rally outside the Iraqi embassy in Ottawa on Monday.

The protestors condemned the recent plots by agents of the Iranian regime’s Intelligence Ministry against the members of the main Iranian opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) in Camp Liberty, near Baghdad.

They pointed out that the regime’s intelligence agents were being sent to the camp under the ‘bogus guise’ of relatives of the Camp Liberty residents, while actual family members of the residents around the world were being denied visas by the Iraqi government to visit their loved ones in the camp….

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