Let Ayoub Lorestani’s lawyer contact him at Camp Liberty

The family of Ayoub Lorestani; Camp Liberty resident wrote an open letter to Maryam Rajavi.

The Soltani family are worried about the fate of their beloved son.

Some parts of the letter reads:

" Ms. Maryam Rajavi

We are the family members of “Ayoub Lorestani” who resides in Camp Liberty. We are very worried about his life. 14 years ago Ayoub left Iran to Turkey. His plan was to go to Europe from Turkey; however he met some members of the MKO and was transferred to Camp Ashraf, Iraq.

During all these years we were happy we could occasionally hear his voice. But during the last two years we have had no news of him. We just hear the news of Camp Liberty rocket attack. Do you really reward your worriers’ families in this way?

Our demand is to be sure of Ayoub’s welfare. We want him to be transferred to a safe country.  

Even though we keep track on Ayoub’s transfer to a third country via a lawyer in Australia and the UNHCR has accepted to cooperate on the issue, the Mujahedin-e Khalq are not cooperative.   

During these two years we have several times contacted the MKO officials; however they do not reply us. .. ….. Do the MKO members’ families deserve such behaviors?!…

Since all our efforts have remained fruitless, we wrote this letter to ask you accelerate the transfer of Ayoub to Albania or any other safe country. Or let Ayoub’s lawyer contact him and persuade his move."

Masoumeh Lorestani,14 December 2015

“Campaign for Camp Liberty residents’ quick transfer to third country” published the letter in Persian.

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