For the MEK some families are good but others are “agents”

Ebrahim Mohammad Rahimi spent many years with the MEK. He eventually managed to escape the camp in Iraq by taking refuge in the American run TIPF for four years before getting back to London. During the internal revolution of the MEK, Rahimi sent his son, Sepher, live with his grandparents in Iran. Sepher has now returned to London where his father is terminally ill in hospital. Sepher’s mother is still with the MEK and Rahimi and his son have tried to make contact with her before he dies. They have now begun asking MEK lobbyists for help since the MEK leaders only reacted by calling them “agents of the Iranian regime”.

 MEK Internal Critics such as Iraj Mesdaghi, Hamneshinbahar, Esmail Yaghmai and others, have jumped on the issue and published articles decrying the human rights abuses of the MEK. However, this is not an isolated incident. This week Atefeh Eghbal wrote pointing out that for the MEK some families are good but others are “agents”.

This week many articles have exposed the hypocrisy of the internal critics for misusing the human rights issue themselves. They are afraid of being labelled by the MEK, so instead of defending the right of all families to find their loved ones, they separate the families into ‘mine and yours’. They advocate for the human rights of Rahimi and Sepher, but not for other families. This is the same thing the MEK does; if you are with us you are a ‘family’, if not you are an ‘agent’. Many articles write that in all the years that Mohammad Rahimi was in London, he loved to exaggerate to everyone about the time he suffered in prison in Iran. Yet he has never managed to offer any support for other families who tried to contact their loved ones. Now the situation has affected him, it is a reminder to everyone that even if you keep quiet for fear of MEK labelling, they will still come after you and cause you grief.

Source: Iran Interlink Weeky Digest

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