MEK hostages families’ campaign to free their beloveds

Families of members of Terrorist Cult MEK, launched a campaign to free their beloved ones from the terrorist Cult

It has been more than 30 years since Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) has kept thousands of deceived people under their captivity using and applying the most sophisticated methods of mind control and brainwashing, and has deprived them of their most basic human rights, including the right to meet or contact their families (either via telephone, post, or email), marriage, etc. However, over several years, their families have made great and consistent efforts to save their children and relatives from this organization; protest gatherings in Iraq and launching campaign are some of those efforts.

We, the members of MKO “Families’ Campaign”, who have been deprived of meeting our loved ones for years, kindly ask for support, cooperation and consideration of all human rights organizations, and UNHCR (esp. the officials is Iraq and Albania) and we hope that you will take side with us and support us.

Many thanks and regards,

Campaign of Rajavi cult prisoners’ families

December 24, 2015

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Below is the letter of Ms. Mahmonir Iranpour who is sister of two Camp liberty residents. Her brothers; Ahmadreza and Mohammadreza were deceived by the MKO Cult elements in Turkey into joining the group in 2002.  They were then transferred to Camp Ashraf, Iraq. From then on the Iranpour family have had no contact with their beloveds.

Open Letter of the sister of two Members of a terrorist group to free her brothers from terrorism

Secretary-General United Nations

New York, N.Y. 10017 U.S.A.

H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon

Dear Mr. Secretary-General,

I would like to introduce myself as Mah Monir Iranpour from Shiraz, Iran.

This is a desperate request from you as the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Two of my brothers, named Ahmad Reza Iranpour and Mohammad Reza Iranpour, left Iran to Turkey in December 2002 to travel either to Canada or a European country hoping for a brighter future. However, unfortunately, they were caught and deceived by MKO members and were taken to Iraq and then to Camp Ashraf. We did not know anything about them for a long time till we heard about them from those who had fled from Camp Ashraf at that time.

At the moment, my brothers are captivated in Camp Liberty. My family and I have travelled 10 times to Iraq since 2002 just to meet my brothers, but MKO prevents us from meeting them. It seems that UNHCR in Baqdad unilaterally defends MKO while according to human rights, he should try to reserve families’ rights especially in meeting their children. Unfortunately, despite our repeated requests through e-mail and phone calls, the UNHCR has not undertaken the slightest cooperation with us as families. You are aware that Iraq is a very unsafe country, and also we are all aware of the terrorist attacks to Camp Liberty in recent years.

We are so worried about my brothers’ lives and health condition. We do consider MKO responsible for death of a number of those captivated in Camp Liberty in recent attacks because their delay in sending people to Albania has caused such tragic consequences; and it is apparent that our children’s lives are of no importance to this organization. We, therefore, kindly ask you to (1) accelerate sending our children from Camp Liberty to any safe place determined by the UN, and (2) arrange meeting of my family with Ahmad Reza and Mohammad Reza Iranpour without the presence of MKO members.

My parents are very old and sick, and they have not met their captive sons for almost 13 years. I desperately beg you to help me and my families. Thank you in advance for giving due consideration to our request and I pray that God will help you in fulfilling your philanthropic and humanistic goals.

Mah Monir Iranpour, Shiraz, I.R.Iran

Source: Nototerrorism weblog

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