Why did the MeK keep schtum?

On April 2, 2016, a news broke that one of the former members of the MeK was reported killed in a gunfire exchange between the IRGC members and a terrorist ring in Sistan and Baluchistan Province.

“Brigadier General Mohammad Marani, the commander of IRGC Ground Force Quds Headquarters said that the ring affiliated with the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization was fully disbanded in Chanf village, near the city of Nikshahr in southern part of the province. Five militants, including the band’s leader Ahmad Sahouei, have been killed. Rape, murder and armed robberies were among the crimes committed by the ring, the Iranian general said, stressing that the militants had long been monitored by security forces.”

Though the MeK showed a blithe disregard to the news and the group’s silence over the issue leaves a tinge of reality in the claims. Last week, the media were provided with further details about the mentioned head of the terrorist group and its relation with the MeK. Again the MeK kept silent and avoided making comments. The new details of the terrorist group’s leader exposed to the public are as follows:

Ahmad Sahouei moved to MeK’s bases in Iraq in early 1980s. There, he was trained in sabotage operations and guerilla fighting.

After a short while, he became one of the elite guerilla forces of the group and was officially praised time and time again by Maryam Rajavi. After a few years, he was dispatched to Pakistan and Afghanistan for special operations. After a while, he moved to Sistan and Baluchistan Province in South Eastern Iran under false identity. Hiding in the mountains of Sistan and Baluchistan, he formed a terrorist group committing new measures threatening the security of the region.

Under a forged identity, Sahouei was involved in killings, armed robberies and rape for years. The seasoned guerilla force then formed a semi-independent group and performed some acts threatening the national security in collaboration with some regional intelligence services.

He was residing in a place where he could easily get out of the ambush and escape. So the IRGC forces in a coordinated operation by Shia and Sunni people Sistan and Baluchistan demolished the group.

Undoubtedly, the MeK’s silence over killing of Sahouei, which is against the MeK’s policy, suggests that they are trying to continue working in the border areas by organizing terror rings to bring insecurity and terror acts to the region. In this way they will be able to satisfy their violent tendencies and promote violence in every possible way. Interestingly, all these plots are being foiled by the people’s collaboration with security forces.

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