Eight years after delisting, the UK still doesn’t trust the MKO

Eight years ago, on May 7th, Britain’s court of appeal ordered the removal of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) from the list of terrorist entities under the British law. At the time the group’s propaganda media claimed that it won an important victory being hopeful that the court victory in Britain would lead to the group’s legalization in Europe as well, potentially allowing it more freedom to organize and raise money across the continent, according to the Associated Press.

Therefore, the group’s supporters celebrated the alleged victory in their Paris based headquarters. They saw the ruling as an opening for the isolated and controlled situation they had been kept in following the arrest of their co-leader Maryam Rajavi and a number of other members of the group, in June 2003.

It was exactly the same time that the leader of the cult-like MKO Massoud Rajavi was disappeared. He has been in hiding for thirteen years now. Given that he is alive, he still does not dare to get out of his safe shelter because he knows well that the free world is not a safe place for him and his partners in his cult of personality.

As a matter of fact, the world made it clear that it does not want a destructive cult with a dark history of violence and human rights abuse. Particularly in case of the UK, it was revealed in a WikiLeaks document that was published by the Telegraph on February 4th, 2011. The document says:

 “The UK Court of Appeals ruled May 7 unambiguously in favor of the Iran oppositionist group Mujahadeen e Khalq (MEK, aka MKO aka NCRI) on its long-standing petition to be de-listed as a terrorist group under UK domestic law (ref). The UK Government, which had fought the MEK’s petition from the trial level up, told Embassy it has no further legal or political recourse and must comply with the ruling; the MEK will be de-listed and its assets unfrozen sometime within the next six weeks. Official British focus has shifted to making clear that, despite the ruling, HMG will have no contact or dealings with the MEK, and to reassuring the Iranian government that the HMG continues to view the MEK as a non-credible group.”

The MKO has been a non-credible group since it has been in exile in the early 1980s. that’s why the UK government (HMG) states that it” would comply with the court’s order but would have no contact with the MEK”. The evidence is the group’s current situation in Iraq. The Iraqi government urges on the expulsion of the group from its territory and the European states including Britain do not accept to receive the MKO members in their soil except Albania which is one of the poorest countries of the eastern bloc.

The Albanian state admitted to host about 1,000 members of the MKO, over the past two years. The U.S. has assisted Albania in its efforts to resettle the residents of Camp Liberty in Albanian capital, Tirana. The US government has not admitted to receive the MKO members in its territory but it has donated $20 million to the U.N. refugee agency to help resettle the MKO, according to the State Department official. Besides, the U.S. has also provided Albania with security and economic development assistance, to help the country build up its physical capacity to house the refugees. So, the Albanian government sounds to be forced to host the destructive cult of Rajavi in its soil.

Evidently, the MKO is not welcome in Europe.

Mazda Parsi

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