Ex- member of MKO Leadership Council exposes the Cult

Ms. Sanjabi, a former member of the MKO’s Women Leadership Council shared her experiences of living within the cult camps. The Memoirs of Ms. Sanjabi has recently been published in a Book called” Sarab-e Azadi” – the Mirage of Liberty. The Book is in Persian and covers Ms. Sanjabi’s 25 years of living within the MKO Cult affairs.

Ms. Sanjabi was 12 years old when she first got acquainted with Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization. Some years later in accompany with her brother, she went to Turkey to join the group. She lived within the Cult camps in Iraq for 25 years. During her membership she had no contact with her family. She even had no contact with her brother who was also with Mujahedin.

Having lived under severe pressure of cult manipulation for many years, Ms. Sanjabi surrendered herself to the Iraqi forces deployed near the Camp Ashraf gate in 2011.

Participating a press conference in the Iraqi Defense Ministry at the time, Ms. Sanjabi said:

“When I was appointed as a senior member of the MKO leadership council, I was told that I could never leave the organization. Otherwise, I had to kill myself by taking a cyanide pill… Two members of the MKO leadership council were killed some 2 years ago when they wanted to leave the organization.”

In an interview with Neday-e Haghighat Website last week , the former member of MKO’s leadership Council exposed the Saudi financial support for MKO at the collapsed Saddam era.

She talked in detail about Massoud Rajavi’s clandestine visit to Saudi Arabia ostensibly for Haj which the MEK later were forced to admit to. Then, after the First Gulf War, Rajavi received three lorry loads of gold bars and jewelry which was brought to Iraq from Saudi Arabia. The MEK took it bit by bit to Jordan and sold it there. At that time Malek Abdullah was Crown Prince and he was in charge of the MEK and Saddamists. He gave his support for these financial transactions. Sanjabi explains further that Daesh is not a new phenomenon but is a continuation of this coalition of forces.[1]

[1]Iran Interlink Weekly Digest

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