Dialogue with the MKO, a Destructive Policy

While the Chiclot Report has presented a range of evidence that demonstrates that Britain was misled by Tony Blair in the run up to the war in Iraq a British Parliamentary Committee urge UK to condemn what it calls “Tehran’s efforts” against the MKO in Europe! The British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom (BOCIF) asked Western governments to condemn “the Tehran regime for undermining and rejecting democratic values and the Rule of Law”. The Committee called for a” firm and responsible” policy in relation with the Islamic Republic and advised them to see dialogue with the Mujahedin Khalq Organization as a “constructive policy”.

The letter of support of 25 UK parliament members for the Mujahedin Khalq was published coincidently with the publication of the long-awaited Chicolt report that drew much attention and strong criticism of UK former Prime Minister Tony Blair for his naïve commitment to the Americans, and for misleading of parliament. According to the report, the allegations about Saddam’s WMD was not reliable and not a “great concern “to justify the invasion to Iraq.

Regardless of large numbers of human loss- civilians who were killed and injured – in the war in Iraq, UK government and people played a high cost for probably unneeded war. Now, the 25 British MPs who seek constructive dialogue with the MKO should beware that supporting the cult of Rajavi may cost them much more financial and spiritual expenses. Let’s discuss the BPCIF’s plan to support the MKO.

Lord David Alton of Liverpool, a vocal sponsor of the MKO who condemned IR for violence and crackdown of Iranian users of social networks and its “restrictive ideology”, vowed his support for Maryam Rajavi, praising her “constant support for democracy”. He and a number of his comrades in the so-called BPCIF claim to “stand by Maryam Rajavi’s third option”.

Third option of Maryam Rajavi is claimed to advocate the controversial option, “democratic regime change in Iran”. As a matter of fact, regime change rarely leads to democratization. Democracy is not a phenomenon that can be imposed through regime change. Moreover, imposing democracy by force is almost impossible.

British supporters of the MKO should notice the tools and the grounds that a movement needs for bringing democracy in a society. They should watch the MKO’s small society in its camps to verify that the group is the proper force that enjoys the proper tools to function properly.

 Actually, democracies require various tools in order to function properly. People in a democratic society should be able to vote, should have access to free press, to the Internet and to libraries. In such society, authorities can cultivate democracy.

However, in the cult-like society inside the MKO, none of the above-mentioned grounds are available. The tools are not available because Maryam Rajavi and her disappeared husband Massoud Rajavi have never wanted them to be available to their rank and file.

“Totalitarian cult” is indeed the most frequent label applied to the MEK by people who come in contact with the group,” wrote Veronika Krasheninnikova of RT.

International reports on the truth of the MKO including HRW’s “No Exit”, indicate the very undemocratic atmosphere ruling the Cult of Rajavi, as well as many other reports, testimonies and memoirs of former members of the group who reveal the most inhumane violations of human rights in the MKO camps.

The British advocates of the MKO who want their government to consider their support for the MKO as a “constructive policy”, they should beware that it is absolutely a destructive policy to rely on a cult-like group with a dark history of violence for bringing democracy in Iran.

By Mazda Parsi,

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