“Cyanide” about Mojahedin Khalq story premieres in Tehran

“Cyanide”, the latest film by Behruz Shoeibi, about Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO, MeK – also known as People’s Mujahedin of Iran, PMOI), an Iranian political–militant organization in exile that carried out many

Photo: Hamed Komeili in a scene from “Cyanide”

terrorist operations during the 1980s to overthrow the Iranian government, premiered at Eyvan-e Shams Hall on Monday Evening.

Shoeibi, members of the cast and crew, and Cinema Organization of Iran Director Hojjatollah Ayyubi attended the screening of the movie.

“Today is the time to spotlight this subject,” Ayyubi said in a brief speech before the screening of the film.

“The world today is facing the threat of Daesh, but the Iranian people previously experienced such a threat by deviant groups such as the MKO, which was much worse than Daesh,” he added.

He said that he would do his best to see that the film would have successful screenings across the country.

Starring Hamed Komeili and Hanieh Tavassoli, “Cyanide” tells the story of Vahid Afrakhteh, a devout Muslim member of the MKO military unit during the reign of Iran’s last monarch, Mohammad-Reza Shah.

He is gradually changed into an obedient Marxist under the influence of his fellow member Taqi Shahram.

Vahid is arrested by Iranian intelligence agents after assassinating a U.S. military envoy in Iran.

He voluntarily cooperates with SAVAK to arrest his bandmates, all of whom are executed.

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