Open letters to Axel Fischer, about MKO invitation to attend Rajavi’s carnival on November 26

Vice-President of the Parliament Assembly and the Council of Europe and Chairman of the EPP Group

Dear Mr. Fischer,

As we have heard from the ranks of the MEK-outs in France, you are invited to the international gathering of the Peoples  Mojahedin of Iran “Mojahedin-e Khalq” (MEK / PMOI / MKO) and its political arm, the “National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)” on November 26th in Paris.

We urge you to refrain from participating in this event!

The MEK is a cult organization being in fire for serious human rights violations against their members (according to a HRW-report) and the dubious handling of critics and dropouts.

Especially the refugees from CampLiberty in Iraq, who were relocated to Albania, are especially in the focus of the leadership of the organization to be influenced. The MEK tries everything to keep their members in Albania under control and to prevent their integration in society outside the organization.

In recent years due to its dubious reputation the MEK strives intensively to international political appreciation. They call themselves “the Iranian Resistance”, but within the serious political opposition groups inside Iran, they do not matter. They are also despised by the majority of the Iranian people for their cooperation with the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. The “Third Way” – the overthrow of the political system inside Iran by the Iranian people and their organized resistance (the MEK) – propagated by Rajavi, is utopian for that reason alone, the MEK has virtually no support among the Iranian people.

The assertion the MEK can be a serious alternative to the current Iranian regime, is merely the wishful thinking of the MEK and its lobbyists.

That’s why they are trying to misuse the media for their own purposes deliberately and to spread their view of reality in the international media.

Also the removal from the US list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations in 2012 was not a political development but the result of a multi-million dollar public relations- and media campaign of the MEK. Both in Iraq, as well as in the US, the MEK tries to place lobbyists in major media in order to influence the reporting.

The Gathering simply is a propaganda event for the MEK themselves and their “President elected” Maryam Rajavi. It is all about to enhance the MEKs international reputation and to interfere with the rapprochement course towards the Western world and Iran.

Even as a well-intentioned humanitarian gesture for the members of the MEK, your participation in this event would be counterproductive, because the simple members are the first who have to suffer from an appreciation of the MEK.

Your participation in this event as Vice-President of the Parliament Assembly and the Council of Europe, nor benefits the people of Iran, neither the MEK members living in Albania. The only one who would benefit from your participation, are Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and her MEK leadership!

With best regards,

AAWA Association e.V.

Dipl. Ing. Ali Akbar Rastgou (Chairman)

November 19th 2016       

Open letter of Davood. B. Arshad to Axel. E. Fisher

Link to the source

MdB Mr. Axel E. Fischer

Kaiserstraße 19

76646 Bruchsal

The Honorable MdB Mr. Fischer

I am Davood Arshad a Human Rights Activist. I am active in NTCA registered in Cologne which is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by Islamist terrorist cult organizations, and also increase the public awareness on how terrorist organizations are established, recruit members, and hide their barbaric nature in the West and their real Goals thereof.

As ex-members of Mek (Mujahidin-e Khalg Iran) for 3 decades, also ex-member of National Council of Resistance of Iran, I would like to discuss some important issues that affect the fighting terrorism.

Any cooperation with Mek with terrorist background damages the reputation of the politicians within their electoral.

Your honor,

Among our issues are the following:

Brief description of how;

Western educated members like us are recruited by terrorist organizations.

How young members are utilised to take up arms and spread terror.

The goals of Mek in doing so and their long term strategy against the western civilization.

Their tactics in reaching their goals.

Answer any question with regards to this issue.

Attached are some facts about MEK’s previous activities around the Globe.

Thank you for considering this meeting request.  I look forward to hearing from you.


Davood B. Arshad

No to Terrorist-cults Movement


MdB Mr. Axel E. Fischer

Kaiserstraße 19

76646 Bruchsal


Ali Akbar Rastgou and Davood. B. Arshad,   

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