Pictorial- MKO defectors at the EU Press Club Conference

A delegation of MKO ex- members participated a conference held by the Press Club of the European Union in Brussels on the role of civil society in Europe and also Justice and human rights on 29 and 30 November 2016,

Mr. Isa Azadeh , Mr. Ghorbanali Hossein-Nejad and Reza Sadeghi Jebelli participated the Conference.

MKO defectors explained the situation of the MKO Cult hostages, esp. after their relocation in Albania. They also elaborated different aspects of the Cult manipulative techniques such as suppression, violation of human rights, complete mental and physical control over members, incarceration and torture and even assassination of dissidents, cutting members off the outside world esp. their family members, celibacy, cutting off any access to the outside media,… . Former members of the MKO Cult shared their experiences as eyewitnesses of the Cult practices with the audiences.

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