Albania: John Kerry brought MEK terrorists, John Brennan warns of their risk

After the “gift” that John Kerry gave Albania, now CIA director John Bernnan has warned Tirana of the possible huge risk that the Mojahedin Khalq (MEK) terrorist group poses to Albania through its presence in the capital.

According to Fatos Klosi, former director of the National Intelligence Service, the American CIA chief has warned Albania that Donald Trump will renounce support for the MEK terrorists and it will be the Albanian Government itself which must deal with internal security and must confront a group trained militarily from the time of Saddam Hussein. Fatos Klos said, “The visit to Tirana of the head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), John Brennan, has not gone unnoticed, as it could not have been intended that a state senior discuss only small and unimportant issues”. The former head of the National Intelligence Service, Fatos Klos, said in a statement to the newspaper Today, that he has listed three main issues for which the head of the CIA is believed to have arrived in Tirana. According Klos, one of the issues that has been the subject of discussion between the head of the CIA and top state officials, it is the question of the Mojahedin. The former Albanian head of espionage argues that the new president of the United States, Donald Trump has said he will pursue a new policy, focusing on economic growth in the country and that every member of NATO should contribute financially toward its own security.

In these conditions, Klos explained that America will not protect Albania, nor will it finance the Mojahedin. According to Klos, a change of US policy on the issue of the Mojahedin will increase the risk to Albania from Iran after the Albanian government undertook to accommodate three thousand representatives of the Iranian opposition, that the country considers terrorists. On the other hand, there is a risk from the Mojahedin itself. A lot of these issues would have been discussed, including the Iranian issue. “The new American president will escalate tensions with the Iranians and the Iranians will raise complaints against us because Albania has undertaken to accommodate these terrorists. The head of the CIA comes to discuss such issues. His visit to Tirana is an assessment of Albania’s role and partnership with the US, “said Klos”.

Gazeta Impakt

Translated by Iran Interlink

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