Let your breathe speak …

Mrs. Saedi is the mother of Firooz who was entrapped by the Mujahedin-e Khalq Cult several decades ago.

Mr. and Mrs. Saedi; parent of MKO Cult hostage Saed

We have several times went in front of MKO Camps in Iraq to meet Firooz, but Rajavi denied our visit, says Mrs. Saedi. Her eyes brim with tears when she talks about her son.

She has written a letter to her dear son; Firooz saying:

” hello my unfaithful son. I don’t get disappointed, though my hellos have been remained unanswered. My eyes are waiting to see you again …. What has happened to you that you don’t want to hear your mum’s voice!! I have lost my patience… my dear Saed I beg you if you don’t want to see me again please just do me a favor: call me and at least let me hear you breathe….

Your Mother ,

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