Pictorial- Ms. Hajari writes letter to her brother Ali; hostage of MKO Cult

Mr. Ali Hajari was a Prisoner of Iran-Iraq war when the Mujahedin-e Khalq cult elements deceived him into joining the group.

It is now more than 30 years that Ali has had no contact with his family. Hajari family several times traveled to Iraq to visit Ali or at least get a news from him. However the MKO Cult leaders denied their requests. Ali; along with other MKO members was transferred To Albania. Still he has no contact with his family..

His sister; Mahin Hajari wrote a letter to him. Below you can read some part of the letter:

Hello my dear brother,

My dear brother , it is more than thirty years that you left us and we are waiting to see you again… Dear Ali , our dad passed away while his eyes were full of regret…

Do you know our aged, ailing mum traveled to Iraq several times  to see you…. Her only wish is to at least hear your voice….

My dear brother please let us know about your health…call us.

Your sister, Mahin

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