Letter to the Head of the UN High Commissioner

Dear Mr. Filippo Grandi,

I am Mohammadvali Gholizadeh. I am the father of Ali. I ask your Excellency to help our dear children who are under the severe mental and physical control of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Cult.

The Cult’s leaders have denied us to have a visit or even have a short contact with each other now for long years.

After the MKO members relocated to Albania, the UNHCR entitled a monthly payment for each MKO member. However the MKO Cult put our children under pressure and do not give them the money they are entitled to. They put our children under severe pressure and give them a very small amount of that financial support in order that they do not be able to leave the group and repatriate to Iran.

I beg you to consider our plea and compliant. I ask you to facilitate a condition that the financial support be given directly to our children in order not to be used as a pressure tool against them by the MKO cult leaders.  Please help our children to be able to decide for their own fate freely.

I ask you to help me as an ailing, aged father who has suffered a lot waiting to see his dear son once more.

Sincerely Yours,

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