Open letter to the Honorable Gerard Collomb, French Interior Minister

Dear Honorable Minister,

My name is Reza Jebelli. I am a former member of Rajavi cult, who had been for most of my life in captivity both physically and mentally in Iraq in Ashraf Garrison for many years.

I have learned through my friends that Maryam Rajavi is scheduled on July first to celebrate the anniversary of armed conflict, terror and killing people, to overthrow Iranian government and to establish an Islamic caliphate in Iran.

Dear Minister,

At the time that terrorism and the ideology of hatred have targeted our innocent children in Europe, I would like to bring your urgent attention to the history of Rajaiv’s cult and terrorism so you would be able to see that Rajavi was the creator of such operations 36 years ago in different cities in Iran.

Rajavi started the killing of innocent children precisely like ISIS with seven suicide bombing in the public places but only 36 years ago. As a former member of this cult, I will assure you that cowardly terrorist operations, such as the killing of children in Manchester Concert by Isis has been exactly copied from Rajavi’s operations and those operations inspired ISIS to do the same suicide attacks decade later, and today they are everywhere, including Europe.

These refugees are mostly undocumented and are therefore not allowed to travel due to the threat of ISIS agents among them, but the cult falsely tells them that this trip will be authorized by the authorities. In this respect, the relevant specifications and documents were delivered to the Belgian authorities.

Your Excellency,

While Isis is carrying out terrorist operations throughout Europe and looking for ways to travel between cities and countries in Europe, I would like urgently to draw your attention to the possibility of using this opportunity to travel easily to France.

As a European citizen, it is my duty to warn against this threat and I hope that you and your new government take a firm stance against this terrorist and once for all say a big NO to terrorism especially to Rajavi.

Given my years of experience, all the terrorist groups follow closely and precisely the traces of their ideological brothers in other groups and this method of smuggling would certainly be monitored by ISIS.

Policy of appeasing the terrorist will make them grow bigger, faster and more and more powerful.


Reza Jebelli



Transcript to:

President office

Department of Justice

President of National Assembly

Reza  Jebelli, “Payvand Rahahee” Association,

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