Nejat NewsLetter NO.46

Nejat Newsletter- 46

Inside this Issue:

  1. Ostracism of Mojahedin Khalq in Europe may lead to expulsion to Albania

    Nejat Newsletter- 46

  2. US-Iran relations (and Mojahedin-e Khalq, Rajavi cult)
  3. Do KSA and MKO share the illusion of regime change?
  4. France’s safety is the main victim of MKO’s traffic
  5. Open letter to the Honorable Gerard Collomb, French Interior Minister
  6. Debate in the European Parliament
  7. Iran Biggest Victim of Terrorism: Police Official
  8. ‘What is to be done about the Iranian MEK?’
  9. Open letter of “Azadi Association”, …
  10. 4 people left the MEK in Albania

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