Warning about threats against the families and former MEK members

Ministria e Punëve të Brendshme

Dëshmorët e Kombit Boulevard, Tirana, Albania

Dear Mr Dritan Demiraj,

As you are aware, over 2,000 members of a terrorist cult known as the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO, NCR, NLA …) are residing in your country as UN refugees. These individuals are subjected to all kinds of cultic abuses and restrictions, including deprivation of family contact and visits.

To date, some 100 individuals have separated from this cult. They remain in Albania, but under an agreement made between the UNHCR and the MEK leaders, their UN refugee allowances are still paid directly to the Rajavi cult instead of to them as individuals. This diversion of the funds meant to cover their living expenses means that they remain under the control of the cult.

In addition, inside the MEK there are also some 100 individuals who we know want to leave but who are prevented from doing so due to the extreme measures of control imposed on the members. Some of these individuals are even kept in solitary confinement inside the cult.

Recently, Maryam Rajavi – the de facto leader of the cult after Massoud Rajavi’s disappearance – again made a trip to Albania to try to prevent members from leaving. In a meeting, she implicitly threatened those who want to leave. We know that her arrival in and departure from Albania is arranged to avoid her undergoing passport control procedures at the airport. During Rajavi’s visit, Ms Elona Gjebrea, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs responsible for anti-trafficking, participated in a cult meeting and expressed her full support for the terrorist group.

Lately an article was published in a website associated with the cult which threatens the families of members and the former members with death. Naturally, this caused a great deal of concern amongst them. In this article those who have left the organization and those who wish to visit their loved ones are defined as traitors and therefore, according to the cultic theories of this group, liable to summary execution. The Albanian government’s neglect and appeasement of this terrorist group has given them an open hand and has encouraged them to openly threaten people with death by assassination.

We also learned that the terrorist Rajavi cult has prepared facilities 27 kilometers outside Tirana so that it can move all the members to a remote and isolated place similar to Ashraf garrison in Iraq. There it is planned to hide them from external observation, inspection or intervention and deprive them of their liberty, basic human rights and prevent them from having any access to the outside world.

Unfortunately, we are also witness to brutal behavior by the Albanian government and police towards the families. The families come to Albania to visit their loved ones. Where on earth is visiting loved ones considered a crime so that in your country these suffering families have been interrogated by the police and been treated as criminals after being beaten up by the cult’s mobs?

The separated members of the Rajavi cult in Albania have complained to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and to the UNHCR many times about the misconduct and criminality of the cult toward themselves, the members and others. The response so far, however, is for each to hold the other body responsible for neglecting their legal duty.

Sahar Family Foundation warns against allowing death threats against the families and the separated members and will hold the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the police and security forces responsible for the deeds of the cult’s elements and reserves the right to pursue cases through legal assemblies and international organizations.

Respectfully Yours,

Sahar Family Foundation

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