Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 212

++The MEK began a mass re-location of its members from their residences in an old university campus in Tirana to a new camp far away from the capital. The new camp is still under construction but already has a wall around it to separate the people inside from the outside world. MEK members have been asked again to sign oaths to say they will not leave the group until their struggle is over. Sahar Family Foundation advised on its website that this would be the last chance for people to run away since not even the Albanian police are able to get into the new camp and the government has no jurisdiction there. Conditions in the new camp will be the same as in Camp Ashraf in Iraq. Essentially it is a place to go and die.

++ Bahman Azami and Sadollah Seyfi wrote about their memories this week. In particular they described how they felt when they wanted to run away. They were very afraid because the MEK had told them so many lies about the outside world that they believed the people outside would kill them. But even that was preferable to remaining with the MEK. Adel Azami also wrote a two-part report about his trip to Tirana. It is titled ‘Me, Bahman and Sadollah from Kurdistan to Diyala to Tirana’. He talks about their childhood friendship and the sufferings they each endured in the MEK and how they are now happy to be together again.

++ Faramarz Dadras, a well-known and respected political and intelligence commentator, had an hour-long interview with Radio Voice of Iran. Dadras talks in detail using behind the scenes facts and information about how the MEK came into existence forty years ago and what subsequently happened in Iraq. He explains what different parts of the world wanted from the MEK and how the group has been used and exploited. He divides these into categories – MEK leaders, political advocates, experts – all working for different aims. But all used them as gladiators. He also talks about what went on inside the MEK – the compulsory divorces, separation of the children and etc. He talks about the relocation agreement between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Albania and how the country couldn’t say no because it’s the poorest place on the European continent. The MEK were moved there by the Americans to be de-sensitised [de-radicalised], although this hasn’t been done. But, according to Dadras, the MEK has reached the end of the line. There is no more use for them and they have now become a burden. The members will either have to separate from the group or remain and die. Whichever way, little by little the MEK will go away.

In English:

++ Mazda Parsi for Nejat Bloggers writes that in reaction to the 38th anniversary of the U.S. Embassy takeover in Tehran the MEK is still trying to whitewash its history via a fabricated post on The Hill. Parsi points out that the claims of Ali Safavi can be easily refuted by “a very simple search in the accessible papers and documents of the group itself, as well as the international bodies and the worldwide media”. The article gives examples of media and government reporting on the MEK which clearly identifies the group’s culpability in various terrorist activities as well as its violent beliefs and abusive behaviour.

++ Sahar Family Foundation issued a warning in English aimed at those concerned about and responsible for the group that the MEK is relocating its members to a remote and isolated camp.

++ An article by Massoud Khodabandeh in Huffpost titled ‘Albania’s Modern Slavery Problem Alienates Europe’, says that political slavery like that practiced by the MEK is not hard to detect but presents many problems. For Albania in particular it has caused many in the European Union to regard the country as a security risk rather than a potential partner country.

++ Mazda Parsi writes an analytical piece looking into the relationship between Israel, America and the MEK. He says that since Israel has been able to persuade the Americans to support the MEK, there is no reason to suppose that Daesh is not a candidate for such befriending if it should suit Israeli policy.

++ The Tirana Today headline ‘Scandal! Albanian Mafia Helps Mojahedin Khalq Recruit Our Youth, Fears The EU’ brings the MEK problem to the public’s attention. The original article is in Albanian.

November 24, 2017

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