Nejat Newsletter – No. 49

Inside This Issue:

  1. Female victims of terrorism offer recommendations at UN
  2. Maryam Rajavi’s Advocate Elona Gjebrea Has Links
  3. Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 206
  4. Massoud Khodabandeh Responds To MEK ‘S Defamations in The Gazeta TemA Newspaper
  5. Domestic Servitude in The Cult Of Rajavi
  6. The Mojahedin-Mafia Coalition Threatens Media Freedom, Censorship Of Ora News Television
  7. Iran Urges EU’s Tough Stance on MKO Terrorists
  8. Legal Representative Meets With UNHCR in Tirana To Clarify The Status Of MEK Defectors
  9. Deconstructing Neoconservatives

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