What is “Ablution in the moment” session in Tirana?!

Manuchehr Abdi is a newly defected member of the Mujahedin-e Khalq cult. He spent 14 years in the cult of Rajavis. He is now 55 years old.

” When I was in Tehran I wanted to immigrate to abroad. My friends told me about the MKO. They said that the organization was in Iraq and would help me go to Europe. Once I joined the MKO in Iraq, I had no way out any more”, Abdi says in an interview with the Sahar Family Foundation.

In Albania he managed to contact his family by the help of some former members, however the cult authorities got to know and punished him,” I was suppressed because according to the MKO rules, contacting your family is a crime..”

Fortunately he managed to liberate himself from the cult barriers. He now lives a free life in Albania.

Abdi says:” In Albania the cult condition is so fragile .Members are under severe mental pressure and most of them take anxiety drugs and high doses of nerve calming tablets. Members have to work up to midnight in addition to participating different brainwashing sessions.

Asking about the group’s plan in Albania and the members’ fortune was taboo and nobody replied us.

It was forbidden to go out of the camps lonely. We had to go out in accompany with the person who was responsible of our unit. Beside this we were stopped every 50 meters and forced to describe our feelings about seeing the environment, people and everything else which might deviate our mind from the group objectives. This brainwashing sessions which are held beside the streets are called “ablution in the moment”.

To escape such pressures, some members preferred not to take step out of the cult Camps.


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