Supporting the MKO: Recycling violence in the world

Terrorism is neither unexplainable nor unpredictable. Terrorists and Extremists in the Middle East are considered as murderous and frightful by the West although they themselves are in fact sponsoring them. Paradoxically, Western sponsored terrorists are growing stronger fueled by the alleged retaliation logics of the West in the so-called “war on terror”.

Life-threatening politicians in the West are taking hostage entire societies by promoting the rhetoric that leads them to self-harming actions. In case of Iran, a group of neocons are calling on Trump to support the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/MEK/PMOI/the Cult of Rajavi) as a viable alternative to the Islamic Republic, despite the fact that the State Department designated the group as a foreign terrorist organization from 1997 to 2012 for its “past acts of terrorism, including its involvement in the killing of US citizens in Iran in the 1970s and an attack on US soil in 1992.”Certain MKO-paid former US officials have sought to convince the US administration to aid the MKO in its alleged agenda to overthrow the Iranian government.

Moreover, the recent protests in Iran provided an opportunity for fueling the US-backed MKO to foment riots inside Iran. The MKO-led violence in Iranian cities was then covered by Western media. However, unbiased media criticized the western-sponsored violence in Iran and warned about the catastrophic outcome of such sponsorship.

“Regardless of how unrealistic it is to imagine the MEK having the means to topple Iran’s regime, any effort to trigger the Islamic Republic’s collapse could fuel a major escalation of violence throughout the Middle East,” asserted Khalid Al-Jaber and Giorgio Cafiero in an article titled “Trump should not embrace the MEK” in Peninsula Qatar.  “In light of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s assertion in May 2017 that any military confrontation between Riyadh and Tehran would take place “inside Iran, not in Saudi Arabia”, coupled with Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud’s endorsement of the MEK two months later, tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran have reached a dangerously high level that would likely impact Tehran’s response to any foreign-sponsored efforts to topple the regime.” [1]

In fact the cycle of violence is not geographically restricted to the Middle East. Isis-claimed acts of violence that took place in different European countries is the proof that the monster of extremism can turn back to entangle its inventers. “In any event, support for the MEK, a group that carries much baggage in Iran for its history of collaborating with Saddam Hussein in the Iran-Iraq war, would almost inevitably fuel greater opposition and anger towards Trump and the US on the part of both Iranians who are supportive of their regime and those calling for Iran to transition away from the Islamic Republic nearly four decades after its establishment,” wrote correspondents of Peninsula Qatar. [2]

“Like cancer, these groups have a tendency to grow uncontrollably, and then later turn on the US and Europe, when and if the latter starts to pull funding or divorce themselves from the Court of public opinion through plausible denial”, According to Ceylon Today. “This is exactly how ISIS grew into a formidable fighting force, and eventually turned on its creators, much like the Frankenstein monster in the Mary Shelley novels.” [3]

Mazda Parsi





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