Daily dose 12.1.2018 – US-led protests in Iran

A comment by Jens Bernert.
Most of the pictures in the German media about the protests and demonstrations in Iran come from the extremist group MEK, as can already be seen from many sources of photos and videos. The MEK is officially seeking the violent overthrow of Iran’s current government. It has been run as a terrorist group by the US and the EU for many years, but that has changed for a long time and the official dealings of the West with the terrorists have changed into the opposite.

According to Israeli daily Haaretz of February 2012, the MEK , also known as the People’s Mojahedin, People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran or Mojahedin-e Khalq, is said to have collaborated with the Israeli intelligence service on the murder of Iranian scientists specializing in nuclear research. Another April 2012 Haaretz report speaks of US and Israeli training of the People’s Mojahedin against the Iranian government.

During the entire year 2017, the MEK was repeatedly visited by US officials. For example, US Senator John McCain, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, met with the MEK leadership in exile in Albania in April 2017, as the English-language Albanian newspaper”exit”reports:”Senator McCain Meets MEK in Albania”. In addition, in August 2017, US Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Thom Tillis (R-NC) and MEK leader Maryam Rajavi met:”US Senators Meet MEK Leader in Tirana”.

For the protests in Iran around the turn of the year 2017/2018, there were essentially three categories of pictures in the media: false pictures, pictures with reference to the source”MEK”and pictures of unknown origin. The latter, including the pictures”angry man”and”half-mummed woman in tear gas”, were usually provided with the source”AP / unknown”. The false pictures and misinformation existed, for example, at ARD and ZDF , but also at FAZ, Spiegel, BILD head of politics Julian Reichelt, Human Rights Watch boss Kenneth Roth and the Iranian archipelago Saudi Arabia financed Gulf Institute from Washington, USA ,

Let’s keep the matter with the MEK images in mind and look at the following thoughts on the riots in Peds views , starting with a quote from a news bulletin on the Iran issue:

“‘The protests in Iran have claimed more lives: last night, violent national riots killed another nine people, state television reported. Six demonstrators were killed when they attacked a police station in the province of Isfahan, about 350 kilometers from Tehran.

That’s a lot of information!”Protests”at the very beginning is propaganda because the protests have just claimed NO fatalities. And it certainly was not turmoil, by which, in a sense, in the general uproar, people were accidentally killed. The violent clashes took place at night, a very good cover for the perpetrators. Six of the dead attacked a police station before they died. The riots were also reported nationwide. Spontaneous nationwide night violence in Iran; If I hear that, I’m startled.”

In fact, parallels to, for example, the events in Syria in the spring of 2011, as the Swedish archeology professor Eva Myrdal, who was on site, described :

“So who is it that shoots cops and soldiers? People from Baniyas say over the phone about what’s happening on the coast in the small industrial town: ‘We do not know who they are. They come here on motorcycles and are black masked ”.

With the MEK there is also in Iran – the MEK has indeed delivered the images from Iran, as the German media unobtrusively tell us in the sources – such fighters who are allegedly responsible for attacks on security agencies, possibly also taking advantage of demonstrations to economic situation. As far as Syria is concerned, it has long since become clear that the extremist fighters there are from the USA, Saudis and Cco. were used. The MEK-USA connection can not be denied.

It is also interesting to compare the reaction of politics and media coverage to the events in Iran with the simultaneous simultaneous demonstrations in the Congo. The taz writes about the protests in Congo :

“On Wednesday, the EU condoled the families of the victims of violence against peaceful demonstrators in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. An explicit condemnation or threat of new sanctions does not include the statement – and as EU diplomats in Brussels confirm, they almost did not do it. France and Spain prevented a more critical draft on January 2, after at least eleven people were killed in Kinshasa and Kananga on December 31 in the suppression of protests by the Catholic Church against Congo President Joseph Kabila.”

The US called on the UN Security Council to support the protests in Iran and called for action in the name of Iranian human rights against Iran. It is ironic that a few weeks ago a memo from the US government leaked and was published by the US magazine Politico , which described how the US Secretary of State should use human rights. Namely on the one hand not at all, on the other hand as a weapon:

The allies (such as Saudi Arabia or Congo) are spared, the opponents shot with the help of human rights propaganda stormy. Unsurprisingly, Iran was also called an opponent.

This article first appeared in the”Rubicon – Magazine for the Critical Mass”.


Thanks to the author for the right to publish the article.


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