Letter to Albania’s deputy interior minister Rovena Voda

Albania’s deputy interior minister Rovena Voda

Albania’s deputy interior minister Rovena Voda,

Greetings and wish you success in your work and life and the best wishes for the nation with the culture of Albania. I am

Mohamed Razzaghi, a former member of the People’s Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization,

Who is now called the Rajavi terrorist and Mafia cult.

I spent nearly twenty years of my best life in the camouflaged camps of the accursed Saddam as a prisoner of the physical and mental captivity of this denomination in the organization’s relations with the sect, and enough knowledge of the past to criminal ends; the mercenary home of this I also know the extent to which the presence of the leaders and members of the sect in a country can be dangerous for the people of the country hosting the leaders and members of the sect.

Mrs. Rovena Veda : Do you know, for the first time, and the founder of this suicide bombing in the Middle East.

The leader of this cult, in particular, Maryam Rajavi, who is famous among Iranians for Maryam Ghader-e-Islami, is in Taher with expensive clothes and professional repetitions like: freedom, equality, democracy, and … always trying to deceive public opinion and politicians. But know that the leaders of this cult change their colors for the sake of their own interests! The time of the anti-royal revolution within Iran has made itself the greatest enemy of imperialism. Now, with the cooperation of the warring members, we are co-workers and allies!  The leaders of this sect have been supporting Saddam Hussein for years and days with dollars received against the people and the interests of the Iranian people for Saddam Hussein, whose undeniable documents are available on the channels and Internet sites.  In this sect other than the leader of the sect, no one has the right to marry and the only leader of this sect knows his right to have a woman and a child, and the rest of the members must live without a woman.  Members of the Right Sect

Mrs. Rovena Veda: What I wrote briefly in this letter is a summary of the inhumane and inhumane relations of this cult, which Maryam Ghajar- Da’ashi,

Under the nickname of Maryam Rajavi, travels to Albania along with other leaders of this sect, in his black paper

I will give you the opportunity to see me and friends from this cult for the sake of you and the Albanian people and people in direct seeing and experiencing the relations of this sect. I am confident that your awareness and Albanian authorities of the black and criminal record of this cult will greatly help you and the people of Albania, in particular the people of Albania, to gain a good understanding of a dangerous sect so that the future and the future Your nation and your nation will be prevented, as well as land so that the captives in this cult will be abandoned by the Albanian government’s principled measures of captivity.

Thanks ,

Mohammad Razzaghi, former Member of the Rajavi cult


Transcript: Ministry of Interior of Albania

Ministry of Foreign

Affairs of Albany

Ministry of Justice of Albania

Embassy of Albania in France

Mohammad Razaaghi, Paris

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