A Dictated Statement in Support of Terrorists

Iraqi prime minister’s unveiling a 24-point national reconciliation initiative and his issued specific instructions to Iraqi security forces to rapidly take control of the country so the US and other foreign troops can leave eventually, above all has mostly disturbed MKO proscribed terrorists residing within the walls of Camp Ashraf under the protection of the multinational forces especially the US.

Although Al-Maliki has set no timetable for the American troop pullout, but no doubt they have to leave Iraq sooner or later. Of course, MKO would not be left a favorite as Iraqi government has taken firm decisions to be harsh on terrorism to restore security and order in Iraq. That is why MKO has already taken steps to muster support from different Iraqi factions and even tribes.

In a recent move reported by its NCRI website, MKO claimed to have received the support of 1,163 Iraqi tribal leaders:

1,163 Iraqi tribal leaders, including 90 senior leaders and 1073 others from Baghdad, Basra, Qadesieh, Zeqar, Diyala, Salahiddin, Kirkuk, al-Anbar, Neinawa, Mosana, and Karbala, signed a statement condemned the Iranian regime and its lackeys for taking advantage of the Iraqi Reconciliation Plan against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). They stated: PMOI members have spent 20 years in Iraq, they are political refugees and protected by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The signed statement is all compiled and prepared by MKO itself because the stated points are exactly what the group intends to pose against the drafted national reconciliation plan. As a proof, please have a look at this excerpt from the statement claimed to be issued by the above mentioned tribal leaders where MKO are referred to as promising to be good boys since they have rejected violence and terrorism and agree to abide by Iraqi laws:

We do not approve some of its articles including article 20 of the text entitled terrorism which is used to serve the Iranian regime’s intentions since, this is contrary to international law and the universal declaration of human rights and is being misused in a suppressive and undemocratic manner against the PMOI. PMOI members have lived in Iraq for more than 20 years and have agreed to the consolidation of their weapons. PMOI members have rejected violence and terrorism and have agreed to abide by Iraqi laws. They are considered political refugees and are protected by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

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